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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1406

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1366 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Gus. 325, 326. 1927. rgadiirag, “ No lease shall be made for a period longer than five years," t e o owing: 0¤’§‘;.{§,“§"O,§";‘§f,*,f} “And grovided further, That no lease of grazin% lands now in law- force or _ereafter made shall be renewed, or any o the lands em- Imum mmm: braced within the same be re·leased, Erior to one rlyear before the um-. K termination of such lease: Amd_pro ' d further, hat no lease of farming lands now in force or hereafter made shall be renewed, or any of the lands embraced within _the same be re—1eased, prior to eighteen months before the termination of such lease." Approved, March 3, 1927. __-Ml§?ll%9llm CHAP. 826.-An Act For the relief of homestead settlers on the drained [Public N°· 72**] Mud Lake bottom in the State of Minnesota. _ Be it enacted by the Semzte and House of Representatives of the iligléiilixlisiion of United States og€Amerzba in Congress osseqnbled, That the Secretary “’“° °"‘“*"°"°“‘°"‘*‘ of the Interior and he is hereby, authomzed and directed to Inves- on Mud Lake bottom _ s, _ _ ¤¤¤¤¤w¤<¤¤. Mi¤¤· tigate and ascertain the reasonable value of the improvements which rior to February 1, 1926, were placed on the lan s included in the liomestead entries on the area embraced in the drained Mud Lake bottom, located in township 156 north of ranges 41 and 42 in the Rum m Congms county of Marshall and State of Minnesota, and to make a tull and ' speci c report to Congress on or before the first day of the next session in pursuance of the jurisdiction and duties imposed upon him by this Act. . Limzemna. That a list of said homestead entries, with the names of the entry- men and a description of the land embraced in each entry, as listed by the Commissioner of the General Land Oilice, is as follows: TOWNSHIP 156 NORTH, RANGE 41 Wnsr, FIHH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN Subdivision { Entryman CT€OC£{S"* gsi; Etg .... - .... . ..... 7 Gran; I. Flakne ...,......,__ I ........ t ...... - ........ - .... o ...................,_ - ....... Lot 5 .... - ..... . .... 8 ..... do ................._.__ 013577 ........ Lots- ,....._... ---- 8 ..... do ..,_.......,....,____ 013577 ---- .... Lot 7- ......... - .--- 7 Clarence H. Christenson ..,, __ 013573 ........ Lot 8 .... - .......... 7 Casper J. Dale.- ........._.__ 013524 ..... - -- 1*2* is ·············· Z ··"·· §° ····················· $3232 "······· 1; - ............. - .... - .................___ - ..... -- NE. y SW. 44 ...... 7 ..... dg-- ........ --..- ...____ 013524 ........ SE. 5-4`SW. Q4- .----. 7 l ----- do -------------------_- 013524 ..------ NE. M SE. $4- .....- 7 Engebret Norbeck --.---.---- 018214 013716 §§’ 1/"S%E;/" ······ $ ····· it ······ M ·············· 3}3§i2 ········ . . ..... --- --..-- O ..,..... .. ........ ,,,,_ ........ ?,Z‘L·?2 SE *2 ······· § ·1;.;·§°5·n;. ················ 3%%% ········

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