SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cris. 323-325. 1927. 1365 in for right of way for railroads in the District of Alaska, and for otger purposes," approved May 14, 1898 (Thirtieth Statutes at Large, °dY°L3°·¥’·‘*3·°m°“d‘ page 409), be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding thereto the followin after the word " otherwise " in line 14 of the section: " Provided, That any citizen of the United States twenty-one years of ,,,‘§§,§§§f_'{},‘}f’§,°,,",2°§,§ age employed by citizens of the United States, associations of such gg_¤__g¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤di¤¤¤v¤ citizens, or by cor orations organized under the laws of the United ` States, or of any State or Territory, whose employer is engaged in trade, manufacture, or other productive industry, and any citizen of the United States twenty—one years of age who is himself engaged in trade, manufacture, or other productive industry may purchase _ one claim, not exceeding five acres, of unreserved public lands, such wgilgwl lands °x` tract of land not to include mineral, coal, oil or gas lands, in Alaska as a homestead or headquarters, under rules and regulations to be Payment presc1·ibed by the Secretary of the Interior, upon payment of $2.50 ` per acre." Approved, March 3, 1927. U March 3, 1927. CHAP. 824.—•-An Act Granting public lands to the city of Golden, Colorado, to secure .1 supply of water for municipal and domestic purposes. [Publ"' N°‘ mu Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Re esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assemged, That for the gupililiiiimdséiuea, purpose of securing an adequate supply of water for domestic and §‘;}f’·· ‘°" ""‘“" ““p‘ municipal purposes for the use of the city of Golden, Colorado, there is hereby granted to the said city the lands described as follows: In Clear Creek County, Colorado, township 4 south, ran e D°“‘*p“°“· 72 west of the sixth princi al meridian; southeast quarter of tge . northeast quarter and east Iialf of southeast quarter of section 8, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and southwest quarter of section 9, and the northeast quarter of northeast uarter of section 18; total, three hundred and sixty acres, more or lless, on P°"“‘°“t‘ condition that the said city shall make payment for such lands at the rate of $1.25 per acre to the receiver of the United States Land Oilice of Denver, Colorado, within one year after ap roval of this PMN Act: Provided, That there shall be reserved to the IUnited States Mineral. deposits rs- all oil, coal, or other mineral de osits found at any time in the °°"°d‘ lands, and the right to prospect ibr, mine, and remove the same: _ _ _ Provided further, That the grant herein made is subject to any ,,¤"§c",§§‘f’“ ngm "°* valid existing rights or easements on said lands, and that upon failure of the city to make use of the lands herein granted, in _ accordance with the purpose of this Act, all rights hereunder shall uSgY"°‘°”° I"' M"` cease and such lands revert to the United States. Approved, March 3, 1927. · March 3, 1927. CHAP. 325.--An Act To amend section 1 of the Act approved May 26, 1926, ; entitled "An Act to amend sections 1, 5, 6, 8, and 18 of an Act approved June 4, [P“bl*°· N°· 72**-] 1920 entitled ‘An Act to provide for the allotment of lands of the Crow Tribe, for the distribution of tribal funds, and for other purposes! " Be it enacted by the Senate and H mcse of Re esentatives of the _, United States of America in Congress assembled? That section 1 of ,,,°§f,‘§,'f'I,g§‘,§{”j“ Rm" the Act approved May 26, 1926, entitled "An Act to amend sections °d·4¤¢¢»P- 65*% ¤¤¤¤¤d· 1, 5, 6, 8, and 18 of an Act approved June 4, 1920, entitled ‘An Act ` to provide for the allotment of lands of the Crow Tribe, for the distribution of tribal funds, and for other purposes,"’ be, and it hereby is, amended by inserting in section 1, after the sentence
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1405