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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1408

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1368 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cris. 326, 327. 1927. L“**°°¤“¤¤°d· TOWNSHIP 156 NORTH, RANGE 41 WEST, FIFTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN—-Continued Subdivision gg; Entryman Cr;::B` ESE; NE. M SE. M ,,... -- 13 Elmer Erick Petterson ....... 017786 013522 NW. M SE. M ,..... 13 ..... do ..................... 017786 013522 SE. M SE. M ....... 13 ..... do ..................... 017786 013522 SW. M SE. M- ...... 13 ..... do ..................... 017786 013522 NE. SW. M ...... 13 George E. Jensen ...... .. ..... 013630 ........ NW. M SW. M ..... 13 ..... 0 ..................... 013630 ........ SE. M SW. M .... --- 13 ..... do ..................... 013630 ........ SW. M SW. M ...... 13 ..... do .............. - ...... 013630 ........ Lot 5 ........._..,. 14 Fred Peterson .............. 017821 013534 Lot 6- - .. ........._. 14 .... ..do ............ - ........ 017821 013534 Lot 7 ............_. 14 ..... do ..................... 017821 013534 Lot 8 .......... ---- 14 ..... do ..................... 017821 013534 Lot 5 ______ _ .______ 23 Karoline Johansen ........... 013641 ,,..., .. - Lot 6 .............. 23 Willard A. Silbaugh ......... 013640 ........ Lot 7 .............. 23 ..... do ..................... 013640 ........ Lot 8 .............. 23 ..... do .......... . .......... 013640 ........ NE. M NE. M ...... 24 Emil Bernet Simonson ....... 015257 013430 NW. V NE. M ..... 24 ..... do ..................... 015257 013430 SE. M4‘NE. M ...... 24 ..... do ..................... 015257 013430 SW. V NE. M ...... 24 ..... do ..................... 015257 013430 NE. M NW. M ..... 24 Ole Wilhelm Moberg ........ 017313 013441 NW. M NW. M ..... 24 ..... do ..................... 017313 013441 SE. M NW. M ...... 24 ..... do ..................... 017313 013441 SW. V NW. M ..... 24 ..... do ..................... 017313 013441 NE. M SE. M ...,.. 24 Olf Torger Ness ............. 013645 013428 NW. M SE. M ...... 24 ..... do ..................... 013645 013428 SE. M SE. M ....... 24 ..... do .......,............. 013645 013428 SW. V SE. M ...... 24 ..... do ..................... 013645 013428 NE. M SW. M ...... 24 Hilda Edith Brekke- .... - .... 016248 ........ NW. M SW. M ..... 24 - .... do ..... .. ............... 016248 ........ SE. M SW. M .... --- 24 ..... do .................... 016248 ....._.. SW. M SW. M ...... 24 ..... do ...............,..... 016248 ........ Lot 5 ............ --- 25 Ed Furr ............... - .... 013654 014145 Lot 6 ............ --- 25 ..... do ..................... 013654 014145 Lot 7 .... - .......... 25 ..... do ............ - ........ 013654 014145 NE. M NW. M ...... 25 ..... do ................._.. 013654 014145 NW. V NW. M ..... 25 ..... do- ..._ .. ...._....._.... 013854 014145 NE. M NE. M ...... 25 Matilda Furr ..... - .......... 018652 ........ NW. M NE. M ...... 25 ..... do ...... - .............. 013652 ........ SE. M NE. M ....... 25 ..... do ...............,.,,.. 013652 .._..... SW. M NE. M ...... 25 ..... do .............. - ...... 013652 ........ Lot 3 ........... ---- 26 Ole Olson Garthus ........... 013655 ........ Approved, March 3, 1927. March3, 1927. _..i§;’·B§i._._ CHAP. 327.-An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the lP“bh°· N°·73°·] reimbursement of officers, enlisted men, and others in the naval service of the Unit;-:d7 States for property lost or destroyed in such service, " approved October 6, 1 1 . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rebpresentattves of the lggifgpummaut ,0, United States of America _in Oongress assent Zed, That the Act 1¤!:¤¤¤i: ¤¤1 ¤r¤1> ent1tled ‘“ All Act to prov1de for the rennbursement of oiiicers, ° \¥Ol.40,D.391·,BlI18.¤d· enlisted men, and others 111 the naval service of the Umted States °°· for property lost or destrolyied 111 such serv1ce," approved October 6, 1917, is amended by str mg out the period at the end thereof and inserting 1nl1eu thereof a colon and the f0ll0WlD§Z smmam to umm “.4nd provided furttwr, That as herem employe (1) the term ‘°‘”°°‘ ‘vesse1 ’ mcludes any surcraft, (2) the term ‘ unsea.w0rthy’ mcludes ‘unairworthy’ 1n the case of an a1rcraft, and (3) the term ‘sh1p·