SIXTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cris. 327-331. 1927. 1369 wreck or other marine disaster’ includes the wreck of an aircraft Na, aaallaalala aa or other disaster thereto, wherever occurring; reimbursement shall 10%% micrwlmmry not be made in pursuance of this proviso or loss, destruction, or l' ‘ damage occurring prior to January 1, 1925." _ Approved, March 3, 1927. CHAP. 328.-An Act To rovide a watex system for the Indians of the Reno- - ?¥l§;lgm· Sparks Indian Colony, Nevaciia. lP“b“°· I"°· mi Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, there C§}§fl‘l‘QSl',}f‘a§,‘f’ “"“““ is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the lal_Av¤;¤;>a¤g_¤; aggmwd Treasury not otherwise appropriated, not to exceed $6,000 to enable yl ' the Secretary of the Interior to provide a water system for the Indians of t e Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, near Reno, Nevada. Approved, March 3, 1927. March3,1927. CHAP. 329.-—A A tT th ` 't tf t `balf d t the mm, osmsmiis, ind‘Zi’§.`LchZ’i§s?s%i'£?‘di5si’iZ¥s’E?“ ’°m " ““ ” ° ¤P-=¤··¤-¢~¤-M Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ United States of America in Oongress assembled, That_the Secretary Ol§a°{l";l’;l:°°—· I¤di¤¤S» of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to withdraw from tara capita paymept the Treasury of the United States $200,000 of the trust fund created ,,;,S{'§’,§'§‘,df" '°"“"‘°’ by Public Resolution Numbered 36, approved June 12, 1926 (llgorty- ·*”’°·¤·’*°· fourth Statutes at Large, (page 740), or the benefit of the iowa, Comanche, and Apache In ians of Oklahoma, and to distribute this sum, share and share alike, to all recognized members of said tribes living on the date of the approval of this Act, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe. Approved, March 3, 1927. - March3,1927. CHAP. 330.-A A tA th ' " th S. ..t ·. fW- t Jr .t .' i ~ lS·6757·l téo the Port of Portlimdi Coiiimigiaidiigto 210;;: I-th: gagt chl.iingl§bfpSw§$1rxI’dlS:n(2iIi lP“°u"· N°·733·l regon. Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary §§§‘}" Ililmdpaglifad of War 1S authorized and directed to grant permission to the Port Cvanmissivn raw @068 of Portland Commission to close the east channel of Swan Island, °°S °` Oregon, iipon condition that such commission shall o en the west channel 0 Swan Island and that such operations shall lie conducted under the supervision of the _Chief of Engineers. Approved, March 3, 1927. CHAP. 331.-An Act Granting permission for the laying of pipes for the Mlgttlsiilwl transmission of steam along the alley between lots numbered 5 and 32 in square [Public, No. 124.] numbered 225. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of _ the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the §§‘,§'l‘l§_§§,{,°°i,Y,“'{*,§ Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, gjlvaga gl ¤°¤·¤¤» *¤ authorized to grant perm1ss1on for the laying of pipes for the ` transmission o steam across and along the alley between lots numbered 5 and 32, in square numbered 225, subject to the condition that the work shall be performed under the direction and inspection
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