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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1420

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1380 SIXTY—N“.[NTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cas. 343-346. 1927.

  • “•°* °•'°· Sno. S. It shall be unlawful for any person to oiier for sale

°·*• °'· ‘"·*•"°* or to sell tzigimkmhe ,Dieu·ict of Columbia, sam urge-mouth or mon sci bass. - mP¤¤¤¤¤¤•¤# fw vie Sm. 8. Any person violating. the grovisions of this Act shall, °°" upon.-conviction thereon, be punished y· a fine not exceeding $100, or by imprisonment for a term of not more than months, or by both such Bae and isifirisonment, 1n the discretmn of the court. “fé{•¤¤*• i¤=¤=•· Sm. 4. This 1Act.~sh become efective immediately upon its y' passage and approval. Approved; March 3, 1927. "1{,‘2*‘,,'1;°", · cm.§,.g,4;l.-gis, Act To provide rm- one ¤ddm¤¤s1_ district judge me me e, c.747. V p 0 ¤hl§8D. Mmm W Be étienaeted by the Senate Home of _Rep1·eeentat·ime: of ,¤.,,,,d,,¤,.,,_ the States of A.me•·ica·m 0'ongrese assembled, That the m%g•U°°¤• •¤· President be, and he is hereby, authorized to appomt, b and with vu. ¤c,` p. wer. the advice and consent of the one distmct yudée £or_the "'{»°;,‘}f’§,,_m_ eastern district of in addition to those new authorized b law. d He shall be entitled to receive the same salary, payable in tile same manner as is now provided for district (fgidges said Residence. district. This additional district judge shall _resi within said district and shall be subject to the general provisions of law relating to district judges of the United States. Approved,°March 3, 1927. ` Ml§lh6:61l.l27` CHAP. 845.-—A¤ Act To amend the Act entitled ‘?An Act to provide more

 edectively for the national defense by increasing the efliclency of Air Corps

of the Army of the United States, and for other purpoees," approved July 2, 1,926, Be it enacted by the Senate and Hausa of. Representatives of the j*,{,,°°’¤•··*’¤*>'- ,_ United States ho({`Avn.eo·ica in Congress assembled, That the second ed. "p' m' sentence of su `vision (r) of section 10 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide more etlzectively for the national defense by increasmg the elbciency of the Air Corps of the Army of the Umted States, and for othteir purposes,T’ approvriad 2, 1926, is amended so as P°*°¤*·‘°¤° "°’*¥“to , sentencestor. as 0 0ws: 1 _

K:10¤¤1l7b¤¤\1l>   or cdrporation may submit to the board

1 ‘ for itsscticn any whether ‘patented_or unpatented, for an- ¤•i·¤g§.;¤,•ymM(•: aircraft arts, o aeronautical accessories. {Phe board shall l€°¥¤•¤¤¤. submitted to the National Advisory Committee ,,,,E$${’,‘g,§§,f,§,§§d;' for Aeronautics for its recommendation. If and when t e comnuttee ¤·>¤ ¤·v¤¤¤1¤- makes a favorable recommendaticnto the board in respect of the d ` the board·slgill" then proceedto determine whe er the use of .ge by t ey Government is desirable or necessary and evnimeeeue design and iix its worth to the United States in an amountnot to exceed $75,000." Approved, March 3, 1927. ·

 CHAP. 846.-·An Act To amend~the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act
 entitled ‘An Act for the retirement of emflgyees in the clasained civil service, and

I irgpglggrd %pp·x:3·?13rDgt1yu2§, 9 , and Acta in amendment t11e¤sol," Be the 8enatedaru¥»Housa of Representatives of- the _Qgg¤•¤¤•¤,: ¤* ¤**¤ United Btatero ,Ameriea ia»Oo•¤gre¢a.aess•nbLed, That the Act mp y°°°` entitled .“An Actto smendthe ‘An Actfor the retirement of employees in the classified CIV!]. S61'V108,—$D.d for other purposes}-