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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1421

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cas. 346-349. 1927. 1381 ap roved May 22, 1920, and Acts in amendment thereof," approved July 3, 1926, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows: T, mm U In section 2 of said Act after the words “§rovided that if," in the mmmmimi °' first paragraph of said section, strike out t e words “ not less than °d{"“· ’· °°“· '*““’“d‘ thirty days before the arrival of an employee at the age of

 Validation of con-

Snc. 2. all cases where an employee has heretofore been enum in ence, or continued in service subsequent to having arrived at the age of "'°°°°‘°"°""" retirement, such continuation shall for all purposes be deemed valid, notwithstanding the time at which the certilications by the head of the department and the Civil Service Commission provided in section 2 of the Act hereby amended were made. Approved, March 3, 1927. umn s,mv. CHAP. 4 .— r1aing' ro riatio for the construction of a roadway add 3ralk%·iaAdirigAtIbtiil·nd C?halmei:1t.e Monument, Chalmette, lP“b“°• N°· "°·l Louisiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 0,,,,,,,,,t,, M°,,,,_ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of Etc mk $15,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary be, and the same is mms tibetan ot hereby, authorized to be appropriated, out ot] any money in the V°'·*2· "·”‘· Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purlpose of constructing a roadwa and walk on grounds owned by the nited States to an around the Chalmette Monument, at Chalmette Louisiana, to be p,,.,;,,_ expended under the direction of the Secretar of Wiarz Provided, That ,,§‘°,g`§*“,,{’,'gdbY S‘•°°· the construction of the said roadway and wall: shall not be commenced " ` rmtil the Secretary of War has received assurances satisfactory to him that the said roadway and_walk will be extended by the State of Louisiana or the local authorities, and in a substantial manner, from thedboundary of the Government lands to the Saint Bernard Avenue roa . Approved, March 3, 1927. umn a,m1. CHAP. 348.-An Act To create a Bureau of Customs and a Bureau of Prohibition in the Department of the Treasury. ' ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ·,·,,,,,,,, mm United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall ¤¤•g,;wm md Pm be in the De artment of the 'I‘reasury¤;i bureau to be known as the hmmm Bureau as- Bureau of Cgistoms, a bureau to be own as the Bureau of Pro- "°°°h‘ hibition, a Commissioner of Customs, and a Commissioner of Prohi— Commismm 0, to bition. The Commissioner of Customs shall be at the head of the be svwmm ba tho? B1u·eau of Customs, and the Commissioner of Prohibition shall be £SFv°i1°t•a°:r·i{¤¤nw¤. at the head of the Bureau of Prohibition. The Commissioner of Customs and the Commissioner of Prohibition shall be a pointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, without re d to the civig service 8 , I laws, and each shall receive a salary at hi; rate of $8,000 per ` annum. ‘ ’ Sno. 2. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to appoint, ;,,£2,`,‘§§`_ °°”°"“°1 '°' in each of the bureaus established by section 1, one assistant commis- sioner, two deputy commissioners, one chief clerk, and such attorneys and other oilicers and employees ashe may deem necessary. One of e£`i°*°m° h"°°°°` the deputy commissioners of thefBureau of Customs shall have cha A mm d of invemrgations. Appointments under this subdivision shallrbg a€;i1°ii°}vesf»?°wti,`iiQ.°r sugilect to the provisions of the civil service laws, and the salaries V°"°·"‘“8°· sh be {ized in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923.