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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1423

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SIITYNINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 348-361. 1927. 1383 the =p¤·ovisions;o£ the civil service lawn, shall expire · pon the · actionfor ` ` e 0 reesury ° ° ex§ti:¤X§aixmonthsfromthee£ect::1ivedateofthi;1%hce‘?1_ mm fm I nndertlie Naytionel- Prohibition Act, as emendtdy or of Bany omoer uponwhomtheggvertotekesuchaotionnotmahaenchdeciaiannie ‘ eonf•rred,eh•ll»· mbjecttotheeemereviewbyaconrtofequity soothe action or deoisionof the Comminioner of Internal Revenue

 eaumended, prior te the edective date of thBAot.

Sm;7. 'D1ia·Aqt shell tate elect on April 1, 1927. ,,§§"°“"° *"“ ‘· Approved, Merch 3, 1927{

 CHAP.  totheappolntxnentoftrueteeeand oommittoee.  $$53%  

Beitenactedby theSemateandHm¤e0fRe of¢he ‘ " United Statoepfe America i•t·~00ngre•¢ auembled, That xgdpereon DL,A*•'{,*¤’g,'°°_‘;,'$;{; shallbeeppomtedlgen courtoftheDi¤,rietofCo1 iaes¤¤¤»:•¤¤a•••¤ committeo,ortrustee sucgpersouiseervingescommittee or trustee "Y""°"‘ ‘ . ofasinany as Eve nomcompoe mentia persons Approved, March 3, 1037. .1 > GIA?. #80.--An Act eeotlone 1125 and 1127, chapter 31, of the Dim-let or Columbia Code. _ P¤*>“<=· °-"¤ Be it enacted by the Senate nd H of R ` 'vee of the United sum of America in cgwrmmgmakg, rm maem me e%.*Y“"°‘°‘°°*°""’“ and 1127, chapter 31, of the District of Columbia. Code be amended °“"”‘“"‘“""""’· so as to read as follows: . ,' A‘ ohm"! b “Snc. 1125. Arrormxur ar comin.-—If anyeinfent 'eballhave anx.? y neither natural nor testimentary guardian, a guardian of the person ,,,Y,{’,f,;,f‘· ’· “°°· may be appointed by the probate court in ite own discretion or on mh the eplggcation olféoeny next friend of auch infant; Provided, how- wxggna;-¢::h:¢ wards eve1*·· tno n ex trust ` ` shall ect esguerdxen°_’ ° · of the person gr these? iiveiinfeng at one and the sametime,

 said infants be membersof one   ` V °   ‘ midi- Mmm
 "Sno,e112tg. ·Wm:1¢ coasting or neun mmglmmréntigr cogvnrr;-# ganmemmuby

u'ectto `e` visionso eprecedmg` ' `ons ” 'scater Q , whzixever lmdipgeh descend or be devised to any infiint •·*Y·:°·°¥° W M tweng-one years of age, or such infant shell be entitled toe dis- tribu ve share of the personal estateof an intestate, orto a or bequest _under_ a last will, or shallacquire my realjor pe ' " property bygiftor purchaee,'the_ said court may :§¤»int’a gueiiien of said 1nfant’s estate; and ifthere-shall be a gua an or the of such infant the guardian of the estate so ipptinted may the same or a diderent person: Provided, however, That ncgpenm, f,'_,$f‘,•;£,0¤°,_,_,a_ except trust companies, shell ect as guardian er the ensue more ¤>¤¤•z¤·¤u•¤. than live infants at one and the same time unless theainfente are entitled toeshens of the same estate. The said appointment may be made at any time after the probate of the will or the grant of administration where the infant is entitled as a devisee, legntee,‘or next of kin." _’ _ 1 ` - · * Approved, Merch 3, 1927. A CHAP. d51.——A:fé&tUIgrt°dthést·E:motion and retirement of William H. [t*§'f'§f{p:*f§'§‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and Home 0 Representatives of the Uaded States of America ' Congress mangled, That upon a lice- ’*¤¤•°¤¤¤· tion of wuum H. senmigsnn, leader of me Umm sms ggnrine ...;'f..“{‘$.¤‘?.;.¤‘?.‘¥E"°"