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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1422

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1882 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sue. II. 348; 1927. ¤,D°'*¤“’°°,,,,,,,._,¤,,,[,f"•°*’¤¤ ` (b) The,`Seeretary of the Treasury is authorizedto te oilicer of Bureau of Customs to act as Commissioner of uw during or disability of the Commisioner of Customs, or inthe eveutsthatthere imno 0frCusfnme;- and to desig- natean oili¤erio£·theBu1em of Prohibition-te of Prohibition during the absence or disability of the Commimioner i _ ; d·€ mgi{or—;i1·.the~ev¤¤t that there imno Camninioner of ' { ¥"""¢ ‘“iet °._¤I· *1:; u-I .ILl’H:— »* ·· z ·<. it nn. ¤¤¤¤¤ ein v¤¤¤¤¤¤¤!.i·¤ z&·p•»n¤ai,erf·rthe -o£·Prohihitio¤ shall perio rtgzbdwmumogdx the Treasury or the Couunissrcmerrx ` wsmni ‘?§r$‘*Zi°’u!{2‘.?1{*‘¤ri.,.° ""{?.‘£‘.°§}i3‘ Q'.; B“‘°“JJ’* CK r . ¢es eo on wi the admimgtcration of the National Prohibition Act, as amended, or any other law relating to the enforcement of the e%;¤teenth amend- J xéiéegg, as the Secrettacry of theJ1`masury or the mmissioner of — * a ms ma reacri b _ ,,,°““:,,';§°‘”§;°;',, ,8; {J of the Treasury is authorized to confer §‘;r“¤!0`1:“·:·m_¤¤];¤¤i$••¤=1¤ or uupose upon the Commissioner of Customs or any of the o6cers ' of the Bureau of Customs any of the rights, rivileges, powers, or dxtibe, _nspeot=of theiixnportition or entry ofmerchandm into, or exportauenof inerchmdxse from; the United States, vested m or imposed upont§he* of tbe!Treasury,-by Tariff. Act of 192%‘or—auy*@¤ •r¢ w.`o· - ¥· *1 V · ‘ s » R°°°'°"¤,,;°m°°"°°,”$*: ?'(b)"'I`h*ii¥•°¤Yd¤,.i Pvt! (lh¢}¤dmg` ° *08ice OQUIP. ment and -

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_ rs‘o_c an `rectoran amistant 'rectars, Dum of Spgzxal 4{.ge1;cy'I€erv1ee of the, Custom, are hexebg ialbelishedt ‘f6m’d v_~r "":`{ · · C. %?¤§§g§e orliinpueed upon fthe ·Cg;a;isicner¥ of i Intemal `Begvdxzixegésnd his ziummeuwsémnr; and ilmpetitors, by anylaw in respect of the taxa- “‘°T‘°““"· tion, import-at§ exportatgg, t rtatnon, manufacture, produc- ion compoun g sa e e_ an igiv1ng' aw pose - sxorglgr use of bevhrageh, mtoxicatmg li<§uors, or narcotisdrugs, dr by National Prohi 1t10D Act,·as amen ed, or any other law relat- ing to the enforcement of the eighteenth amendmenthare hereby transferred to, and conferred and imposed upon, the Secretary of the

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°&i¤.dm to the Bureau of Prohib1tion, agivd who wg; xeilolt apggixiztled suggectotlo