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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1425

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cu. 353. 1927. 1385 ing-which any part of such bridge is located, or any two- or more e€kt,h;•x:d]pmt y, may at gnyigcime dacquire andchtake oger all right, ti , __ eetm _. _M1’l an itsapproa es,an an inteest in propertyynecemary therefor, by purchase or by condyemnation in accordance with the laws of either of such governmguthe ?3“2£‘§‘£.m.·°f ‘1‘£»22*’€i’2"§£§iHii.$1”.£?*2i‘.§`§‘§·’?.;‘$‘; “.lt..°°*i‘§°"?.‘3‘ ,.‘i‘*‘ ¤······—···-······· =· ··» , A _ 6 m 8- b emdanaa- tipnof such the sarge is byccpnsdlexwnatipn, tlliedamount gg? Y 0 damages, or oompensa ion ow no mc u ‘

mgoingvalue, for mxxtive revenues or profits, but sllaémble

limi _ to the sum of Il) e actual cost of constructing such bridge “”‘*"“°°· and its atpyxroaches, lem a reasonable deduction for actual deprecia- tion v zig (22 ge actual cost gf aequiiling mh intserests pro y• acu mgan romo on ,notoex per oentuln of the sum of the ofconstructing the bridge and its

(ptp11;1oaches such interest in property; and (4) -

expen ures or necessary unprovemen Sno, Q. If such shall be taken over or acquired by the States .¤g]°ll°’pJ.iii°l{ B°°°°’ or {political subdivisions thereof as provided in section 4 of this Act, mm wpmd to an if tolls are charged for the use thereof, the rates of toll shall be ¤pe¤¤¤¤,sn¤¤;m¤a, $.;'Li.h’“°d¤i¤g ‘f..,$2i ”‘°'i§1§d“¤p...‘”‘“‘l·‘“°l°i}°i’.$=‘.fg.’“’d*’i.§r“"’ °“3i.°* M 7 e . an 1 a ro es, to psg;51 guidgqpatsnrzgdmoptu thphcxtherrzof, aéicgo pgovipcle a sink- ing cen toam 128 eamoun ai ereorassoonas possible under reasonable chaxéges, but wi5iin a period of not to egrceed tvggigy years from the uateccgtacguiring the sam; 3 b,?{,'§f‘ '{,,{‘,,_f°‘ s1nkmg` ent to pay e o a mrin t e ri an ¤=*¤¤¤¤·¤· as approachges shagl have tiobexnhpgréovgdedilgsiichoqbgidgg shallf theaeasgtelxi mamtain an opera oto orteratesoto thereafter be so adjusted as to provide a fnmd of not toexceed the amomtfntiwgsiaxggior tlée proper care; repay; maintenance, gd gpeeilr- of ationo 1·i an itsap es. accuratereco o· e ,,, _‘ amount paid the and its approaches, the expend- tm d mpc itures for eww, regairmg, an maintaining the same, and of the daily tolls coll sha be inept, and shall be available for the infor- “‘“é"°“ 3%}} "i"’32”’ i“‘§"’§‘°dc.. A .1 ¤··—~· ··········· ··· nc,. enana rrge mpan,itssuccessorsan assignsm, 0,, ,,_ shall within ninet%days after the corglgtion of such bridge file with flgegzlgd s?•?'¤¤z;¤· the Secretary of ar a sworn ltéml statement showing the actual original cost of constructing such bridge and its approaches the actual cost of acquiring any interest in real property neceeaarly there- for, and the actual financinglandipromotion costs. The Secretary of ,,{§;'?,§*$‘j,°f* "’ “°°` War may, at any time wit in three years after theoompletion of such br; ge, investiggte tlée Ecgal cog og coxésgmeting the same, and o_ oset sai n`auari m _ `tssuccewrs

ghall make available all oft, its reoI:;l·Id2;’ ih connection

with the nancing and the construction thereof. The findings of the ,,,,,,"§,{’,§‘;.§f°‘*’°°’°"” Secretary of War as to the actual original cost of the bridge shall be conclusive, §Igl)]0Ct only to review in a court of equity for fraud or grow mista . V _ Sm. 7. Theright to sell, transfer, and mortgage all the co t° °°u’ °°°' rights, Ewen,. and (privileges co rred by this Act is hereby granted to the diana is Company, its succeiors andhaesi%1s, and any rat'ntow'c orany rsontowomsucri ts e and priiiileges may be sold, or transfoeirgad, gr vi*hIl;Ys;l;§l acquire e same y mort orec osure or rw'se, is e authorized and empowenedgatge exercise the same as fully as though conferred herein directly upon such corporation or person. Smc. 8. The ri ht to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ·¤¤°¤d¤¤*· expressly reserved . Approved, March 3, 1927.