1386 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cu. 354. 1927. M¤¤=b *· lm- CHAP. 854.-+An Act To authorise the exchange of certain land between the
umm sms- me the name of oeiembaa 4
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the EMI ¤¤f<g,¤¤p=¤(gg;; United States of Amerika in. Congress assembled, That the Secretary or mm omvtm of the Navy is hereby authorizedland emrgowered to convey to the Y',§’§‘f,“j',§"f,Y°',,‘{‘§,“,,,°§ District _of Columbia, free from all encum ranoes and without cost “‘°°"“i are *.3:%*.*;:* °* *1 **¤*·:·s“e*¤$ ent it me me I tes . erica i__a rtiono e__av _i atc oun
the imprdveinents thgroeon, lying outside ofNa+e1 éhsgiivatoryt
Circ e.and_east',`of~;L{assachusetts Avenuellorthwest, District of Cplumbimpcontaimng fourteen and four hundred an fort_-mne__one;thousandths acres, more or less and also that other t‘?'}i°“ "t‘¤1‘§‘~ °“;ii“° `€.fr.{‘5£d "*"L‘ii‘s“‘ ”*‘l.eN$'“l °‘Z?°‘Y'“°"’ ir eon sou con V _ Ig one he seven un re an six one- tho11sandths‘QJ<;ros,,.1i10re or less, in consideration of which the Board of Commissioners of ythef of'; Columbia are authorized and empowered to, eonvcy to the Umted States pf, America, tree from all encumbrances-an without costtothe United States of America, all right, title, 'of the of Columbia to that s:?...°¤,°i the Iszsslwezvizhsseslesese i§""§§§e°“;¤“s *5 _ gglpreximsyileég and seventy-six one—hund.¤id7ths acres} Provide; §Z,‘§‘§$_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ _ at the of commissioners are further authorized and g¢t:¤§1g,¤¤gg_$¤é·;_{¤llgX-S empowered on behalf of the District of Columbia, to ut1l1ze or sell, eukvsmyuees. as they see ifit, all of that remaining portion, of the said Industrial Home School site with the improvements thereon lying outside of the said Observatory (one-thousand-foot radius) Circle, and also all of the land and imgqrovements thereon east of Massachusetts Avenue and aouth_ of sud aval Observatory Circle, hereunder authorized to be from the Umted States of America: Provided farther, ”}],f• °‘ Md U ¤¤* That if utilized the land. shall be used for school playground, or I highway purposes or transferred to the Director of bllbllc Buildings mm M and Parlrstobecome art of the parksystem of the District of enema property me Columbia: Promdcd That all 0 the proceeds from the ,’:1f,$’°'d°”°$,f,,“°{’,, sale of the aforesaid dustrial Home School property and one-half mwcflign of_ the proceeds fr0m_the sale of any of said lands mentioned as lying eastof Massachusetts Avenue andsouth of said Naval Observa- Jmmmo M du tory Circle shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States me new inseam.: to thecmdit of the District of Columbia and are made available H°“‘° S°"°°‘· for the purchase of a site and the erection thereon of suitable build- Rmlmx B, W ings for _a_ newlndustrml Home School: Provided further, That seeds or nie or om- the the proceeds from the sale of an of said land
- ,‘§‘?,,',’Q,’,§,°,‘{;;,,§°f "”' lying eastof usetts Avenue and south of said Nhval Observa-
tory Circle shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the of_ the Naval Observatoxiy, and is made available,
- .*3·"..,....**·° este §Zi§h§
- .€?3”&‘S'§.e‘?§ 3:;:s:. eamwpmmse
,3:; 3;,,,***3*,, ez.; ;e»·¢is,; That me said Board or oqmmieeeme of Othe newer or ·¤¤¤**°d-°°°· Columbia shall be permitted to continue to use all of the Industrial Home School property herein mentioned until such time as it may have another site and constructed suitable buildiugzlthereon Mmm to be urwhi tohouse the inmates of said Industrial Home ool. mv,,....,Z, ,.§T°‘”‘ 2. The gecrgtary of_tlre Navy, on o£;hehU¤1tsd States, an e . 0 comnussione i t D`str't f Columbia, are hereby authorized tldsexgdute add deliver all inhtriiiinentis necwsary to accomplish the aforesaid purposes. ‘ Approved, Mamh 3, 1927.