SIXTY-NINTH oomnnss sw. II. one am, sez; "1’927. 1391 Fort &m Houston, San Antonio, Te »b•rraoka,·$500 · Fort Benning; Georgia, barracks, `ort Rilay,¢Ka‘ol)0,)‘ oili- eers’ uarters, $126 000, Cam&Lewis, Fort ' rracks, $160,000; ;F1eld,oA:la- bam, oiloers’ Camp Derens, §t:l,$100,000; Camp L __ ‘: a•hmgton,barraeks,"$500§00;·{E`ort · lisa, Texas, 'noneonumsmoned ·o0icere?.·qua1·te1·e, .$300,000· · Brooks Field, ‘!{‘•g¤e,sodi¤•ra’ qu•rhers;$200,000; barracks, $164,000 · Field, Mxdngan, hospital, $50,000; Panama Department, Zone (Sor the A.1r;GorpsE, 00icers’ gaartax-s_,$126,000·· iqui.rters,$400,0£D· Bol1m&F1e1d,District of h1mb1a, barraclu, %40,000.·rFort. ro1i:na,.barracke, $262,000; Field, e » $240,000; rnoncom- misxoned oiicersi quartu? $78,000; 0 care? quarters, $200,000; Scott Field&)%l1ino1s,Z barracka, Fort. Jay, New York, barracks, $00, ;0Kieers’ quarters, _- tary Academy, West' Pomt,$216,000; Kelly·F1e1d, Texas, barracks, $3126,000· ~oEeers’ quarters, $100,000; Camp ama, b0l'l‘l¢f»kS,;$é00,000; Camp Meade, Maa·y· » land, ll»1'1`8CkB,· ,000;,Cumpg Maxachueette, barracks, _ $300,000: That ag? un - ed or. combmed Unexéended im. nnexpendedibaianoesiof any the-above amounts shall be available ¤¤°¤ i¤¤¤·=¤¤·¤¥¤·¤>1·~ intemhangeablyfor 8 B»tlOI1.011 any of the hospitals, barracks, or nonoommissioned o rs’ quarters -hemeinrauthorized." ` 0 lApproved;March§, 1927. F I < . · . ,. ,. . , ·. » March3,192’l.
Q , .G t · — f N . `P · t |H.R.10465.|
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