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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1430

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1390 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sm II. Cue. 359-361. 1927. Act,_1924~, apameuded. to make loans to veterans upon their adjusted service cerhiicates in the same amounts and ~u n t e same terms and conditions as are applicable inthe case of Quinn made under this secticxrby a-bank, andthe provisions of this section shall be appli- “"“ °' “`“""“` °‘*’{° ‘° “"°"i'°""“‘ "°°‘2‘h£I“faE“°l*tZ‘“t‘Lf gf3”'i“l1$”‘$‘.lZ° i PES cen.um.p¤r..;•nnum mam rrr c r a e o t loan for the discount of ninety-day commercial paper under section Vol- 42- D- 1479- Igzéxjmtlie Federaélslieserve Aciztlclfly thleoclliggraa reserve for tlae reserve `rictinw` is teregionaocesu- ptlioe, or hospital of the United States Veterans’ Bureau at whicih the m, '“:,“ “ ·(j) or thagurpoee of enabling the director to make such loans ¢¤in·**;•j;, dum out of the_Um States Government life msurance fund the Secre- tary ofstheffnessury is authorized to- loan not exceeding $25,000,000 » to vrithmterestpat the rate of 4 per per annum · ( »cn;the datetheeheck foreach amount loaned to aveteran is · Vichy; fthe of "tha-United States), compounded CMI mw`; db anIpugly'iIg:t·the security, of tbongsiheg in slugli fxmdi ’ I I In · v » `»diBb\11'81Dg· otlicerso t e nite ‘ tates eteransBuneau

 in their-accounts for all loans madein accord-
 instructionsof the ‘dl1’BGt0!‘.” u ·

,,,’i,,‘f‘ ""‘°° °°'“‘ *_'St0.:B. _ atjsection 705-of the‘=World ‘War Adjusted Compensa- wmt ¤¤ ¤¤E¤I%> tien>·&ct,·,as amended, isamended by étrik:ing?out the period atthe q¤¤‘I, v¢y.. uiisetting inlieu ghezog eIi>mbx;xa,·and e fxillowing:

 ‘ex° auphcates" 'ca 8‘,`iSBDB'IYlt011l7t»9

A of a bond when it isshown to the satisfaction of the dire¢itori.thst...thfe originalmrtifioate, before delivery to-the veteran, has been loilt, destroyed, wholly or in, part, or so defaccd asto im air its v ue. ,,I·,‘{’“”°“°“ °' V"' gw. 3. That the last paragraph- of paragraph (7) of ct' 202 §§§§°¤¤:. of the World War Veterans’ Act, 1924, as amended,Seis llcigreby ,p.7¤6,re, .m li, I _ III . _ Approved, March 3, 1927. "

   secs-an ..mL·r¤ ratify me ·con£rm·Act Numbma -3242. or me

’ ` ' - Philippinc approved November 27, 1925, I . . » . . ’ the Svnafeiahd Hciweiof Rel _esehta¢v?vea of the §§“.£’J’“°»...l.t¤“‘“..°‘,, Haw s· is¢¤¢¢¢‘(¤;¥Amy·‘· "wa’·0m·_ usenet;} Tha;. me ems

      • ’”'°°‘°‘°°·’°‘·*°°°· imposed 1§=’the* Ph11ippine?_Le e ·Act“iRumbered, 3243,

aIpproved ovember 27, 1925,are‘hereby;legalised and ratified, and t e collection of all such taxes made under- or by authority of act of the Phjlgplpine %§'l§l8l7l11'9IlS hereby legalized ratified, and con- firmed as Cy to mtents andxplurposes as if the same had by prior, Act of 'ongress been speciti _ y authorized and directed., _, iAv¤¤¤t¤¤.,M¤#¤h 3.1927- a a 5 ‘ Mg; {"ii;;idg7]` I Act authorize, appropriations for constructionat ' mm I J if _ UBe enacted b the Senate and ·o};l3g¤reeentaa>ice»·of t/ge Z¤¥"i»’&¤.•¤¤• me U’¤#¢d»»8¢¢¤$¢Q 0f¥A'm»9‘¤‘i¢¤··i¢¤ q0fI·§7‘68dé¢I8 kd =That`.there ·1s

 °•¥" hereby-auth0r1zed,t¤ be app=r0pr1ated=not .toi_e,xeeed._$7,,l15,000`; to be
 fm'! the- c0¤stru¢;t10n-:and»1¤;e1zallat1cn at mxlitarypwts of

such-buildi¤g8.smd.··uti1it1es¢end; appurtenances thereto as, in the

 of the;Se¤¤¤tary of Wfar —-may be   follows:

hofield Barracks, Hawau, hospital, $190,000; Camp eede, Mary- land, hospital, $150,000 (at an estimated total cost of $450,000);