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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1433

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cu. 363. 1927; 1393 tothe ·House of Representatives of the United States fromothe Territory of Alaska, or to or for the oilice of Senator or member o!~the·h¤u¤e of representativeaof the Alaska Territorial Legislature, oreitoion for any_other elective Territorial, municipal, or school onine; ·of£.Alaska, unless such proposed voter or eleotosati theviime efianynch/election and priorto voting thereat shall be ·able;bo% tlIB·sEligll§11 the ‘C01’1Sl’.llZ\.ll3l¤l1·0f the United States andtoswrite in they Eng ' ==lanf1nge:»Prov:2led, mw. Tl18t·`ui$»lBQllll'8H1QD.t§ of 'Act*shall,not<4gpy‘_tn.vanyI, ` ,,,‘f,,’;,’§d°f“’ ‘”""‘°" who is incapaoitateddromc cou by .ph sical disa- bility*>o:nly:, And pmeided fart ,,s this Act notlapply umgdvm i¤ mt pic any eitizenlégtho ·has:1egally` voted at the general! election of, °°° ` Sno, 2i, ilhat no pfzrson without the to read and writesas m,Y'§f,",;',,,§’1',‘,i’§f,*f"”°·“ hereiu·required··she vote at an such election, exceapt as provided in section 1 of this Act; nor uialimy election o cer knowingly C¤·¤·¤¢¤·»¤¢¢- permit any lperson without such ability to vote cat anysuch election; and the ina ility of any plerson to so read and write shall constitute a suiicient groimd of c allenge to- such person’s voting by any qualiifiieed election officer or qualified elector or duly appointed

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Sno. _,3. That the abilityl to so read and write as herein provided mfiizaiirxhlmw °° shall evidenced as fo ows: Every person, except as otherwise ,j`,,°§_‘°’§“0§'_ ,;‘““‘p§§ provided in section 1 of this Act, desiring to vote at any such 1»¤¤r- electionybefore being permitted to vote, shall, without the Bia or assistance of any person whomsoever, legibly si ‘ .his other, own full narnc',_and mite his or; her own sex an adslless, in the ‘ A tration or poll book, and, if he or. she Aaippears tolthe election ,,,“,°{‘,‘g,{,°,f,‘“§,°‘°{, oiiicers, or any ofythexprz not to have the ab _ itytoread and write ¤*=·¤•¤¢•¤· as herein required or ', he or she be,challengedt.,upon“tlie`ground of§`Q ability to readand as herein , thenhe·or,· she shelllbe _ uired beforeyoting, to _read"ln the ublicly gig in the presancefo the election oicers and undert e direction or the election odicersor some one of theni a _Pil$§g6'Of not less than ten lines chosen atrandom by` the election odicers qi some or one of them from the Constitution of the S¢¤·l§¢$»l and to legibly write in the English language a pgassegeeof not fewer that ten consecutive words chosen, atrandom y the election oiiicers or some or one of them from the Constitution of the United States, and dictated by one of the election ollicers to such proposed voter. °—Sl¤C·. 4aThat no person claimin to be exemptfrom the provisions Ymj *¤•*·H my of this=Act by reason. of plrysicgl disability shall beapermitted to · i vote at any such election unless it is a(pparent to the electionrolhcem that such hysical disability exists, an that except for such physical disability Lproposed voter would be able to read and write 1n` the E¤§£¥=¤1§¤¤E¤¤s¤+¤li¤r¤i¤ .- i N i 1 M t

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ineep¤.ble`of»‘:narkin "hisballot, one of the election ju gpsfmay vm. enter ` `wlth and mark his ballot irected by,fths‘yotei‘;_‘ ch judge shall not disclose to any person the m i;(dfth°?€lI;dti<` shall lake A iiiof-lll C I T R•¤¤r¤ ¤·m•¢•¤¢

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biilkits étiggrliirked »i’¤1‘ there .¤¤ J>¤‘¤vi<l¤dEi`¤ ¢¤¤¢¢i¤¤; ,¤*?¤·¢i¤s www ` tl18i'll8`!!1€S;0'fA such and wcrlbing the `disability of each, which return shall be signed byl all of thevjudges; ` " ‘ ‘ ’ t t . SEO. .6,‘That p§l‘SOIl`W `o is §Illl1lSSl0I1 to vote at mL';" any in any phi-eciiict by therelectiono cers of suchcprecinct lama sen venue c on the éthat e fpiegeaa °voter"is unable ‘to_read auduvrite ‘“’ °°’°"°*° ‘ in the nglish language as erein required, shall‘hot again attempt 4ss02·-27--ss