1394 SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sus. II. ‘ Cm. 363+365. ‘ 1927. .to:5;1tn,=`or to vote, in the same or any othorpracinct ·at’ scams ti¤n.‘il. ~:·.;.Z~ `· », . . . » V · °‘g¤*°;f_ 8g* '°°*‘ · Snot 7. That all of tha United States, twsn »ono ears i1¤¤t$¢L,u°;»1>1•°i°}»tiri~iQ°g of ago andlougairgwho $1:6 aotual `andi bona {ids residentgyof»AlKshu, °""“° ““'“"* and who rcségonts aoontinuolclndyhdulxiilng emu;
_ V -0 I YW 0 78 D BHC
msidsntsoontinum1s1i);i,fcr.thirty· edays riexifprecoding the election in "chthhy vote, and who are ablo<to read and write [_ prescribed andgroviglsd, and who are not} _ ‘ y i7otmg·by—any other groinsxon law, shall bs.qual.1£od·tb vote at any of the elections srem mentioned. mnmmmt ,0, W,. Sac. 84 That any who violates any ofx the pmvisions of
- ¤“°¤¤~ this Act shall be oemed of a misdemeanor and ugon
conviction gthemof shall bezpunis od by a fine of not more t an
- 500, or.byé:hhn$i1Lison1(§1ent.in jail fognot more than six months, or
y both su an imprisomnsn . ·»Apprrove¢l, 3, 1927.
UHA.P.` Ajnending section 52 of the Judioial Code.
., by the Senate and House 0?`.R6[11'€367ltGl`i’U68 of the mum semmm United Stdtes % Am.e*rica.€n·0q1tgrese assembled, That sect.ion_52 m:’_¢;kM§•» v- lm- gif odé`be,`and`l:h0°s1imc is hex·eby,`amended‘ by addlllg e1·e"e_"`in:`f.·“`_ 4 _ ‘ ]1;¤§·m:;t¤¤,>g2¤¤? bh ;iP0n“‘tli$¤*.§.li*pi_ of a bill in the Supre1neyQourt of the s_·;¤¤»•¤i>¤¤°e?•¤• Ciillimbia w groin reniedy is soughtupder section,4915 m ¤ms‘§¤‘$¤'}.?¢‘Z’€£ 19¥"¤¢¢*4¤¤ 49lB ¤# $h¤.B¤Y1¤¤<$.S#§t¤¤>S.‘witl10¤t‘_¤¤s>k1¤{g other r¤m¤5iy, argv ,...5.. ¢£*¢;¤14¤¤ *¥·¤¢¢¤¤?¤ sé ·a¤ @¤v¤r¢¤ rmx i¤ ¤-.f¤¤¤g¤ 0 ' www P*T.NY°"F9’P%*I“*°$· r¤¤¤d¤¤&.¤¤. 4 1>`11¤¤l¤*1£<> e <li¤*$¤¤*··¤.¤9¤t
Vllllllilqi tl}? ¤P4¤$ $$*6, .9E.¢9}u‘t,,sl1¤l1. ais jqrisqlictmpn
- ·hé*`°‘?f,*?°d wriw *}**2 '%dV¢*‘S€ PQYW G1? P¤¥*Q¤¤8 Y°1!¤¤¢¤¤‘}1g
- sa“‘*2:·¤P***a¤:%l*:l*$$s***¤ sm M wszris
.,9 ,,¥ Wm V 3§*—9/ln, ¤iP%m*°iT 0 ._ lil. [Q1 ¤° s·¤¤<=· by p¤¤u¤¤· pxovidpiglwthat aga1nst.pa;·t1es residing ug foreign “°“‘ `<?g1¤¤§¥*9¤»1>¤¥¥g_3¤¥%* \¢1;_>t¢l%{¢;¤i¥4¤¤t`¤,{¤¤y. bs awed by ,1>¤b11s>¤¢w¤ <>r 9. ¤¤'W¥¤9]‘§¤ 99. .,8 uw ‘ .Apnr¤v•d..M¤¢h.s. 1927. ~ M"%°hn.°s€¤°€7;’ so6.~—A4 xm ·1·¤· enum must Bureau or mmsign ima Domestic lP¤ 1i¤» N¤- 768-1 Commons of the D•pu*tm¤¤t·of Commerce a. Foreign Commerce Setvico of the lJnit¤d.·St•tcs,¤ndforoth¤r_pn1¤posas.l i , ;__ , V· .-
BH¢x.ei¤kiEted{b§4l hc_`Se;uite_h¤dlHbziae.lo Re feenéafivea éfythe
roam cmmm United `Stdteifbf ‘i·ri,Om¥w*e.ég_a.£ _"1`I1at,' there is F’°S.L&‘s;¤.»..¤. in st b¤r¤by,§§¤b1i¤l>¤4=iy t·h¤ Biucw vf .¤r¤ng¤s.l&nd.Dn¤¤¤s¢i<;*C9m5¤¤r¤¤ ¤·a":.¢¥:::&9.;::*.#*°+ ¤f ¢*¤¤ ¤flQ¤¤¤g,¤#¤¢ tls ;F·>¤¤1s·;BG¤{4mér¢@» Ssrws af !=*=¤»Um,). qSw§;¤£i$h¤¤~g¤·gii. ¤rg;¤g:d¢+> ¤¤ . .¤;,g¤;¢ig¤ ?9FPm°§°° $*1 ¢§,·» @01155} ._g,Q_- __ ,96§`S g _, .m, "0 o, ,o1·_er anH;;o" (ikgiown as gommeiiggl a ac és; :7:))7II1§|%.l€l‘C18l ¤i=. . ' tru. ¤¤m¤;¤. 'ssivncm .. ¤ssi¤tant.tr;•j pf ,!Pml$8A Miners- °"“°°"’°"'°°‘· A `SmcF;,,Unde1* the l;jl,l'8Ql$jOIl`_Qf tht Secretary cfiigqtsiuwcé (1161%+ ‘ irmffér .r¤fsm§ tv as aibn “;Sz=¢=rét¤ry T). .th¤ .qi¥is>¤r¤" ...’¤.‘¤‘_£¤r¢ig¤ C0l11lD6I'OB'S81'V1C8 IJ V _; ;,_`_· i__,,,,!` · ,,,,1Q‘Q.§’$°° °*‘°‘““ zag. Pmrrlqtathe Qwgn commerce pfihe pniud $tatps;,__ q ,,,,},;·,;,;;g,·.,,,·,;·= nm . ‘bv1”•Y°$l‘%*?:9·“?i·’FiP9F¥—‘FlP9*\ ¤¤#z»¤¤s>zvi1¢§h¤¤d mdwrsi ¤¤¤- mm · ggtigxésgygilwgz Svgtignn oreigp, copntnes yv, I .m¤y,bs,o£_1¤t,e,rest 2, :.._~_-.»¤.}‘ i· A 4 A -