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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1446

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1406 SIXTY·N1'NTH CONGRESS. Sass. IIC CHs.l488, 489; *1927. '·””’° °' °°°* ”* approved —June·`4 1897 ·` (Tliirtieth Statutes, page 43 ·‘iai~hereby ··““"",__L i°"**"‘7"""" amemieaee me he renews: ··*1*he umn of cost or ai(?1a¤d¤¢m be JW °°' gc"' embraced within the {boundaries ‘of~·the Shiloh._National·`Milit¤ry °"" ' Tennessee, istihembytiiiincmasgfd ’ toy ? tan ap ropria onin esum’ is aathoridedto be made ger the acquisition of two small additionalparcels of land within the boundaries of said park."— ‘ Approved, March 4, ` 1927. _; ` M{g';é2i1?¥'7` CHAP. 489.-An Act To safeguard the distribution and sale of certain lP¤bii¢» N0- 783-l dangerous caustic or corrosive acids, alkalies, and other substances in interstate and foreign commerce. 1 n .. , . Be zh? enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of ,.1*.**;*::* °‘*°°*’° "°*‘ me United sam .0; America in emma; amazed, Tha this Act may be cited asithe Federal Causticildoison Act. D0¤¤l$l0lB. DEFINITIONS

g‘·»:S]$°£ Sno. 2. As used in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-

¤*'° *¤°°°'·°°°·" Va) The term »“ dangerous caustic or corrosive substance " means: _Hydr¤¤m<¤·ic wid. 1 Hydrochloric acid and any preparation containing free or °*°‘ cliemically unneutralized hydrochloric acid (HCI) in a concentration 0 10, ercentum or more- ‘ ’ B¤*¤h°*’° °°‘°·°‘°· (2)‘PSulphuric "acid any pre eration containing) (free or clgemically unneutralized sulphuric acid (H,SO,), in a concentration 0 10 rcentum or more- . , ° ‘ · N"'*° °°“’·°“’· (3) §itric acid or any éileparation containing free or chemically unneutralrzed nitric acid ( O,) in a concentration of 5 per centum or more· ‘ e ¤¤b<>¤¤ ¤<=*¤·¤°°- (4) Clarbolic acid (C,H,,OH), otherwise known as phenol, and any preparation containing garbolic acid in a concentration of 5 per centum or more· . · . °¤“° ¤°*d·°*°· (5) Oxalic acid arid ang prlgparation containing free or chemically nmzoutralized oxalic aci ( ,C,O,) in a concentration of 10 per cen um or m01‘0‘ °"‘“° ‘°‘° °“‘“· (0) Any salt bt oxalic acid and any preparation containing any suc salt 1n a concentration of 10 per centum or more; · A¤¤¤¢ wid- ·¤=- (7) Acetic acid or any pre ation containing free or chemically unneutralized acetic aci (HIO;-1,0,) in a concentration of 20 per centum or more·· _wHv¤¤<=¤¤¤¤>¤= ¤¢i¤· (8) Hypochldrous acid, either free or combined, `and any ` · H preparation containing the same in a concentration so as to yield ,,;§d'L°Z€°" °°° °" 10 per centum or more by weight of available chlorine, excluding calx chlormata, bleaching powder, and chloride of lime; ‘ t m;'°ygf*¤¤¤ ’*Y°*°*· (9) BOCRSSIIIIII hydroxi e and any preparation containi free ’ or chemically unneutralized potassium hydroxide (KOH), inldguding caustic potash and Vienna paste, in a concentration of 10 per centum or more · . . m§°*”¤m *’Y“'°¤"°· (10) éodium hydroxide and any preparation containing free or chemically nmneutrahzed sodium hydroxide (NaOH), including caustic soda and_lye, in a concentration of 10 er centum or more; S“"°’ ““""°· °‘°· (11) Silver nitrate, sometimes known as liinar caustic, and any preparation containing silver nitrate (AgNO,) in a concentration of 5 per centum or more; and ,,;`·"""°'“’ "‘“‘· (12). Ammonia water and any prggairation containing free or chemically uncombmed ammonia ( ,), including ammonium hydroxide and " hartsh0rn," in a concentration of 5 per centum or more. _ .. A