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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1445

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s1x·rY-Nmrn oouonsss. sm 11. ces. ess-ass. mv. 1405 necessaryis hereby authorised to be a propriated for the ex enses ”‘¤’°¤’°° =°”•°**¤*’ et amber- participation by the Using states in the work if the ‘g'&».&%""éa'§.m€2 preparatory commission at Geneva,. Switzerland, for the purpose °°'°" of making preliminary studies and preparations for a conference on the reduction and limitation of armaments; and for each and every purpose connected therewith, including compensation of employees, travel, subsistence or per diem in lieu of subsistence in amounts authorized in the discretion of the Secretary of State (notwith- standing the provisions of any other Act) ; and such other expenses as the President shall deem proper, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State. Approved, March 3, 1927. CHAP. 380.—·Joint Resolution Amending the joint resolution entitled "Joint liz/lnilhnirkigl} resolution directingithe Secretary of the Interior to withhold his approval of the (ru`5. ies., Ne. uv.] adjustment of the orthern Paeidc land grants, and for other purposes," approved June 5, 1924, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senate ond House of Representatives of the United Nommn mm States of America in Congress assembled, That the joint resolution land gms. entitled "Joint resolution directing the Secretary of the Interior to I'L‘,§@*’${°‘,§,;,;,"}‘,%‘,j‘T, withhold his a proval of the adjustment of the Northern Pacific ¥¤?;;g,1,;°g$,m mmm land grants, and) for other purposes," approved June 5, 1924, be, and ec. ` ' ' ' the same is hereby, amended as follows: “ That where in said joint resolution there appears the word and figures ‘March 4, 1926, the same shall be amen ed to read ‘June 1, 19 8.’ "’ ` Sno. 2. That the present members of the joint committee appointed es`i{Z$t,l:°m”’m°° °° under said resolution shall continue to act until the termination of ¥’·*°2· the Seventieth Congress: Provided, however That where a vacancy rmmgwmsaa. will occur amongothe Senate members of said committee due to their retiring from ngress on March 4, 1927, the President of the Senate may fill such vacancy. mum ,0- Sno. 3. hat the Attorney General of the United States be, and ms. uio action me he hereby is, authorized and directed to advise the said joint com- “‘”“°““°"‘· mittee as to what legal or legislative action should in his jud ent, be taken in the matter of the adjustment of the said Northern Plailciiic land grants. Approved, March 3, 1927. ——-——— March3,197I. [H. J. Ras. 24.3.] CHAP. 88’?.—Joint Resolution For the relief of special disbursing agents of T6- R5-» N°·¤$·l the Alaskan Engineering Commission or of the Alaska Railroad. Resolved by the Senate and House e Representatives of the _ Unded States of America in Oongress assémbled, That the General oogggiegwmm Accounting Oilice is hereby authorized and directed to credit in m§f“‘§,,"‘f,°,§@,,§_,' the accounts of the special disbursing agents of the Alaskan zgmtgd ¤¤r¤¢¤f¤n dv Engineering Commission sums heretofore disallowed by that oilice °w ' on account of payments made to certain Army oilicers b Army pay oiiicers, and the payments made to the said oihcers as odicers of the rmmna vsucmc. Army are hereby validated covering the period from July 1, 1921, to February 28, 1922. Approved, March 3, 1927. , 488 A » _ ii1°i°1i`.ioiii42ij _ . .—— n Act To amend the Act approved June 4, 1897 by authorm· mg an increase in the cost of lands to be embraced in the Shiloh National Military Park, Pittsburg Landing, Tennesee. Be it enacted b the Senate amd House of Representatives of the United States ofy America in Congress assembled, That the Act pE,i‘,'"‘?I*?,,,,,1l'I*"°""