SIX'P·Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. H. CH. 489. 1927. 1409 All charges for sto outage, or labor on an such substance "'¥”"*°‘°'*¤•· refused admision ormdzlivery or entered u n bohd shallbe paid by the owneror consignee. J In default of sugi) payment .‘SllCl1rCl1l.I‘g8B shall constitute a lien against any future importations made bysuch owner or consignee. _ · · ~ ~ mmovsn or Luanne Sno. 6. No me shall alter mutilate destro. obliterate or *‘°°"·",{;,,,,,’““°°"‘· remove any lalig orssticker required by this, Act to he placed on’any ii:ii¤:•i¤¤¤1w¤‘;}B.nb` dangerous caustic or corrosive mbstanee, if such substance is being- a) Sliigpedininterstate or forei commerce; or b) Hel for sale or exchange; aglalr having been so shipped; or o) Held for sale or exchange in any Territory or possomion or by the District of Columbia. PENALTIES Sno. 7. Any person violating any rovision of section 3 or 6 shall uP¤¤¤!¢v f¤r vi<>1¤· upon conviction thereof be punished Ihy a fine of not more than $200 tm ‘ or imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or by both. 1Ns·rrru·r1oN or nmm. rox CONDEMNATION AND crumuun rnocznniuos Sno. 8. It shall be the dut of each United States district attorn D*¤°'*°* ¤°°°¤>°¤ *° to whom the Secretaiz of agriculture shall re ort any violatidh giiigidctit civmnsuoul. of section 3 or 6 of t is Act or to whom any liealth, medical, or drug)oilicer or agent of any State, Territory, or possession, or of the istrict of Columbia presents satisfactory evidence of any such violation, to cause libel for condenmation and criminal proceedings under sections 4 and 7 to be commenced and prosecuted in the proper courts of the United States, without delay, for the enforcement of the condemnation and penalties provided in such sections. nmroxonmnm or Acr Sno. 9. (a) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Act, s¤¤¤m¤s¤e nv sec- the Secretary of Agriculture shall enforce its provisions. '°°‘” °“"““““"· (b) For enforcing the provisions of sections 4, 5, and 7, the Invegiesuous. mu- Becretary of Agriculture may cause investi%;;ions, inspections, ”°°’° "°°°°"“°°‘ analyses, and tests to be made and samples to collected, of any dangerous caustic or corrosive substance. , The Department of Agriculture shall pay to the person entitled, mm his request, the reasonable market value of any such sample en. If it appears mN<§L¤br;fn<;;¤db•¤3$1g from the inspection, analysis, or test of any dangerous caustic or tainer suitable tc: corrosive substance that such substance is in a mis randed package °°"’°h°l° “°°‘ parcel, or container suitable for household use, the Secretary of Agriculture shall cause notice _thereof to be given to any person who may be liable for any violation of section 3 or 6 in respect of such Substance. Any person so notified shall be given an opportumty H°"'“"· be heard under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Agri- culture. If it ap ears that such. person has violated the provis1ons ,,¤°§,$“,{’,“*d,§‘{,}‘,,,{’$ of section 3 or 6 tllje Secrets of Agriculture shall at once certify the W- facts to the proper Unite? States district attornlpy, with a copy of the results of the inspection, analysis, or test d y authenticated under oath b the rson makin such inspection, analiyisis, or test. Eu, tb M (c) For the enfglicement of iis functions under t is Act the mwyoupieuxdm. Secretary of Agriculture is authorized- (1) To prescribe and promulgate such regulations as may be P”'°'°"'°‘“1‘°l°"‘ necessary. 4.3892°-27--89
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1449