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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1450

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JAJO SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. ·. H; · Cirsl 489, 490. ' 1927. v f• "‘“ "°‘ . i(2) To cooperate; with , ..department· or agency of the lm Governmentbxith. any State,u!1.nrrit0ry,.·or—pomessien,’or wrth the =·Disb§1rict.¤of lumbia, or wlith any department, agency, or political su visieuvthsreof o wit an L pennant-·—·: 1: ¤·` — ,;’*’°‘“‘ '““‘“°"°’* (3) Sub'ect to thb servicg aws to pppoint and, in accordance with the (illassiiication Act of ,1923,.to _ e salaries of such oilicers and employees as may be required for t e execution of the functions ,~ y of Act and as may be PW,. ,;’ . ,n8I£ . l @ · ' V · - 0¤¤¤¤s¤¤•¤~ (4) To such, (including expenditures for personal services and rent at .ths,seat of government and elsewhere, and for law,) books, bookseof reference, and periodicals; as may be requiredjor theexecution of the functions vested in t e Secretary gf) Agricuéltgre by this Act and as may be provided for by the m time to time. · m_[§’“"’ °°'“" *°"" (5; To give notice, by publication in such manner as the Secretary of `culture ma b regulation prescribe, of the jud ent of the Y Y gm court in any case under the provisions of this Act. snraaanmrr cumsn I”"‘“d“g, °‘ “" Sao. 10. If an provision of this Act is declared unconstitutional rp&&2r¤fT<g·m¤ or the aplplicabiiity thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid _ _e constitutionality of the remainder of the Act and the Kpphtgalbtlgty ahereof to other persons and circumstances shall not be ec e ere y. . ~ rum or nuns nrrncr ¥¤•¤¤v· ¤¤¤¤·>¤*- Sm. 11. Act shall takeefect u n its passage· but no lty °:§gs£a:k nctumen- or condemnagpn be thgnfgtxzed gr any violation of the Act ' ”‘°“ · occurring wi n six mon a r 1tS passage. APPLICATION ro nxrsrzxc naw act m mgdugamvg Sno. 12. The Ipxgvisions of this Act shall be held to be in addition §'}d;'$,£dia.. to and not in s itution for the provisions of the followi Acts: rig wxdpgi (pfdéléhe Food and Drugs; Act, approved June 30, 1906, as 0. ,p. am . ' , , “"f°'*°”f*°f· 7 b) The Insecticide Act of 1910 as amended. § ;f;f·D· C- gc) The Act “A.I1 Act bo’reg\11ate the practice of pharmacy ` ` an the sale of inéthpggsistrict of gsgnimbia, and for other purposes, approv ay , _ y, as amen . Approved, March 4, 1927. Mamh4,192'I. CHAP. 490.-——A.n Act_ To provide for continued hospitalization at Saranac

 Lake, New York, of certain beneficiaries of the Veterans’ Bureau.

Be by the Senate House of Representatives of

 the Umted States _of America an Oovggrees assembled, That the

s¤¤¤¤¤¤¤}•u`?¤•v¤¤•l· Director of the United States Veterans Bureau is authorized and ‘{,Q°°,§’,‘Q,h2,,¤,;*,,§,*',{_’ directed tp enter into such contracts as may be neeessaryto provide for thecontinuance (during such periods as they may be entitled to med1ca1, surgical, and hospital services under the World War Veterans’ Act, 1924, as amended) of such services in other than gplsierngnental institutions at Saranac Lake, New York, for those etic1ar1es of the Veterans’ Bureau who now . receive such servim there. Approved, March 4, 1927.