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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1454

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14l4 "`KSIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. “ II. Crt?497. 1927. ‘¤••·¤¤¤•¤ ¤* •¤v ctrl ` :·P•·ovidekZ,‘~Ao•>ever That the beard of hazy an

  • °°I°"¤m”` its rules, conditioilis upon com-

gllnhodvithiivhx _ or college or pharmacy, and under

 school or college of evidence sulllcaent to prove

mlrconpliii s§tisiaction·—of*aaid" W applicants who

byisuhh school orcellege; __ any apecmed

@=or¢years;¤ay_*be‘(rallo¤wed credit fereaperience t$.g&I ;;I.BI$|Di0f-i§»i}¢Ul1¢ll»ll¢8 at and graduation y said or; ,y.·,t .. > - -··j ; ·i _ _,Y°‘·"•**""·""""" · Sno. 8.% ` vi outalljof section 7 of said Act andinsert in lieu thereof the knéwnas section 7: ,_§’g',j',°",§',_‘°_,’°,L'_Q°"' “S1o.·5Q.¢»Sl‘hat m the month. of November- of each year every licensed pharmacist and every licensed dealer in poisons for use in the arts or as insecticides, whose license or permithas been- issued not less than three {years prior to the first day of such month, shall apply to the board o pharmacy for the renewal of such license or permit. And said isvhereby authorized, upon the payment of such fees

 as $N°l1$1’?1lllfEGl‘,]JIOY1déd,“t¢X'Ip¤6w such licenseor lpermit in the

vm u M montéieof November for a periodipf shree froginti e 31st illay of d,,.,,,, · r ‘y`reced1ng— "‘te ate e . eve "cense byhadlm not renewed the month of November as Yforeeaid be amid and of no efect unlessiand until renewed. ·Any license, fgruiit, or renewal obtainedthrough fraud or gy any false or fraudu- _mg;rqpmmf1:`lt•tion·ahaH bphvoid and of agi e Nbr; person shalg _ eany_ seorfraud, enrepresen onort purposeo procurix a license, permit, or renewal thereof either for himself or or ano er. » · , · u¤§f_g¤;*m°;,'fg•¤ *' “ In the event the board shall fail or refuse to renew any license i ` or permit within the month of November, for which application Hm mm__,_ made it shall make written record of the _reasons for such i 1ion1i·eneVQai; of the person renewal of his hcenseor the boa.rd,shall,.gi·alnt a hearmg,.and the applicant shall have the right to be represented by counsel, introduce evidence, •nd=_exaniima—<and· _01‘0H·-0Ilm.l.D6 witnesses. The secretary of the hoard is herbby empowered to administer oaths. - * ‘ — %·*,·,v,:,,,;;;;;·,,,·· ez is ree ¤.g1 n;m.1a0? wm rg »—eq¤s~m· uae easeame og mmm pereons»an= · `uction » ` an a rs·an to uiresuc persons to any and all imatters its jurisdligilion. The chairman and secretary of the board shall have power to issue subpuazals, ass) upon algae failure fogf any] person to apltenclix adwitng ‘ ·_ y puma orto ace ocumentsiwen irec ,,,,°£°'(;°§¤132°;°§*?.:,?.§ by saaidiboarql, the shall have power to refer the sazid matter •°°•¤d•¤°°·°°°· to- anyjimtine of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia,

 mai eorder   attendance of suclh witgess or the prodzgtion

o? - ;an·.a orrequirete ' w'tn totesti , thefnase may `be-; Endupon the failure Z? thelwfsxiem to attends; to tedsify, onto producesuchbooks or papers; as the case may be, sudiwnhiess may be punished for contempt o court as for failure stpidobegna mhpcma issued orto testizfym a casepending before G<]1I‘l3. u t · { . L ,· . < "°¤’°'*°'°°‘“¤¤ . “The shall make a-rwritten report of itsiindings after such iihearing, which _reporIg a_ of oi e · wi e Commissi ers no 1 c °,§·,_"°°'*‘°° °' “‘ of umbia, ifthe finding shall be adcifrgx to the persouseek1ng·re¤ssumceo ' icenseor rmit,su ‘ ' nseor ggrmit shall revoked and annulled at 5:1. expiration of thirty _ys from the filing of such report, unless within said period of tlurtyndays a wnt of error shall be issued as hereinafter rovided, in w `ch event said license or permit shall stand suspendbed until the final determination of the court of appeals upon such writ of