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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1453

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SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sul. II. Cxte.`495—·497.~ 1927. 1413 UnitedStates of America, to accept in performance of ii contract °,*,§'g:_°•,;,‘¤*"°" b Hand betweenthe United; States of America and the Board of my hue. wg (Eimmissioners of the Port of New Orleans, _dated‘ May 29,1.918 ‘ `mionersotelooi wz ans c· ~m ~tatea 3f““c0.....°* °”.“°“° “’ "2“'i}"“§ $;"“2il·‘z‘;d $1* °i *°3°¥§.’°é" {Ti E°"‘i of America,`each dated July 1,,1918, which options were exercised by Ugiéed States og May 81, 1919, an amt of sal; as the B, B1 V - parcels an a ed.ica' tion as au orized` i ye consti- tution and laws of the State of Louisiana as to tlie.A, A1, and A2 parcels covered and described `in;,_seid»=instrument from the Board of Commissioners of thoe.Port of New Orleans, the said parcels being lands that comprise the .New Orleans Army supply base, New Orleans, Louisiana. I · ’ - ` Approved, March 4, 1927. < ~ CHAP. 496.--An Act To amendthe Act approved June 7, 1924, relating to Mmyml ` the regulation of the practice of dentistry, in the District of Columbia. V; _ 1 [Public, N¤· 7¤0·1 Be it enacted 6 the Senate and House of Repreaw ive: of the D, ,.,.;.. United States of!/Ameiica in Oongressiasaentbled, That section 20 M m_ of the Act approved June 7, 1924 (Public, Numbered 237, Sixty- mm. eighth Congress), relating to the regulation of i the practice of °qY°1'°'°'"”’°m°d` dentistry in the Districtof Columbia, be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out the symbol *and Egure "$1 " and inserting in lieuthereof the symbol andligure “ $2." · A Approved, March 4, 1927. CHAP. 497.-An Act To amend an Act entitled. "An Act to regulate the “·iih4ii4iiw` practice of pharmacy and the sale of poisons in the District of Columbia, and or other purposes} approved May 7, 1906, as amended. _ _ Beit enacted b the Senate ¢md—Houe¢·of Re entutivee of tlu United States of?/Ammécw in Oongresa a:ae·rrgg;,_ Act wfzrgeg r¤s¤¤¤- entitled "An Act to regulate the practice of harmacyeand the sale ` ' C of poisons in the Dis riot of Columbia for other purposes,{’ approved May~7, 1906, as amended, be amended as follows: L . » * sc. 2. Strike out all of section 3 of said ·Act and 1nsert·m lieu va.a4,p.m,¤m¤- thereofpthe ·followingtobe·known‘as section 3: r ·· i »» . s ~ °d· , “. Sno. 3. That every person not registeredunder an Act torxfulate Appuauws for u- thepractiee of pharmacy in the Didsrict of Columbia, ap rovt June °°°°°°` . 15, 187 8, who shall desire to be licensedas a pharmacist sllinlllfile with swom statement ct the; board ofpharmacy- an applicationyduly verified under oath, °'“““°°°°°“* °°°‘ Settmgnforth. the name and ago of the applicantythe expeiiencewhieh the apglicant has had in compounding physicians cprescriiptionh under t e. direction of alioensed pharmacist, andthe name as loca- tioniof the school or college of p armacyvof which he is a·graduate~ andshall submit evidence sullicient to show to the satisfaction of said board that he is of good moral character and not addicted to the use of alooholiceliquors or narcotic drugs so as to renderhim imiit to practice pharmacy; and said applicant shall appearat a time and ,E¤¤¤i¤¤¤<>¤ ¤¢ ¤r> place designated by the board of pharmacy aforesaid and submit to www an examination as tohis qualifications forzlicense as a pharmacist: Provided, That applicantsshall. be not less thantwenty-one years of ,{}{gg_y·dm md age, and in order to be entitled to an examination for the determina- ummm. SK" tionof hisciitness tc be licensed as a pharmacist in the Districtof Columbia, must have had not less than three years’ experience in the practice _of pharmacy under the instruction of ia r lar licensed pharmacist; and must be a graduate of an accredited sggdol 01* college sous;. pmmum.