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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1456

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I416 SIXTYQHNTH GONGRESS. Sus: Hs GHs.l{99—-501..* `z1H27.

;a-CHAR. 499Lr—1m Auf To extend the the for   at b 4ge_•ero••

~,—¤,ETLT-°· , ‘ - era · , , sm: M ·· M  ?··$?§’·»¤ ¤e»?¤“"*»¢»,af?e%~°<?’e?f1~*¤$¥»ef·$§;‘1»‘*??f»· _ “ B¢*#=edeeteyZaby€vhe·Senaee·and,1Iouse; q/—£;p+eeen¢aueeej·pr~ me §_¤;"g“,*},*,{,f'·,°, U1W8il‘1$¤ale;.;z{-Amdrivain Gemgreqa aeeemb That the=times_·for srxugngi between qpmplgtipg v:•ayg;:ipqgt'gmiqf¢h5¢ thl?im§d mm. - .. B`} ·_ ot* _(¥o¤.§ress_ ap j > sy 9*26 Q`t* t e _,j""‘· ’· ‘“· “°°“‘ lggkwiyfdepartinen of the §gte~of Miundsota ahross=the·Mi$issippi River betweenfthe cit jof Anoka, Anoka County, State‘of Minnesota, andthe ’of·»O{am’ plin, county of Hennepi11,‘*State_·of Minne· §ta,?;?ref»he1·eby extended one ‘and··three·years, respecuvely, from ` s r‘1927.—~L> an E-:*.f` , 'j·‘¢ _ ,1 "· ~·g. )*".'v,." ' A¤¤¤d¤=¤¤*~ » ’?tc.’2r That tg; right to alter, amend, ~or·-repeal this Act is hereby V  ;·;Appmved, Merch 4, 1927; _ _ * _. uma Is;. .· -`t& . eto·e — e A .. Kg; fl. c. . U . a

   500.-—,An A.ct.'1,`o authoriaethe Secretary of the·,'1‘reaeury to enter

" ""`?;T€»§e§.§~“§“v.°ie*‘§¤§§.Ti's°”“°pur5q‘£t?.??s?€§§‘$§‘§»‘§i§e%“iz‘“’,, T °“‘“°“‘“~

 L_   , Be itflenaeted-by—t}:e··8enete·and€Hmue~of;Rep¢·eeen1dt£eea`of the

§g;,};'§u,§',br}Qbd United States ofAmer:hn‘iv• Uvngreeo a•sembled,rThat the Secretary ¤¤ b¤¤¤¤¤zf<;r¤·¤¢¤s¤¤ of the"1`reasu1·yJis authorizeddo enter into a contract, on behalfof ’°°°" °’ the¥United.States to prurchaee,-upon completion, I_b\lI1dilIg"t<)'b0 erected·» (in faocordmee with plans ··and specifications ·•ppro·ved _by S the Secretary of the Treagiry and containingsg not lessdfhanlotmng —,·,,,,,m, hundredrau high inine 0 ‘ - me ' t ·-upon e ‘o A ground known lasthlock 581, boundzuéby Vax·ick,**King,_· §qdson, and·West>Ho;¤tonL>Streets, as shown on th•·lend,m:£=oi t e Borough Pm M of Minhatta¤,`city<uf N ew York, together rwitlrsu plot of ground. ’ ` The totalremt tozthe United Statesrof such buildingmnd plot of ground `ehalla-not exceed $8,000,000. a #8uch :b1iilding·¤sba1l_be‘ or=the use of the Uuited»Statee~•ppraiser otmerchandise, United States mmm, 0, bmw Cusgomosugotnirt, and other Fogernmental oiiicersfig this city of hkiw ¤>·¤¤¤¤v1•<L Yorr-*· ·¤·Se<¤·et¤.&(y_ ~o-~te- `rym•y`_ weemsitto e ‘ best ’iiite1·bs¤··of the ron dell, npoharsuehr terms and,eondgitions;u he deems adyi le, thepremxses 1oeated»at·~641

Na: York Gxtgéinow-occupied by customs odioers

" en· i·2¤ ears ., lhud = tag, _¤ ~ ¤¤ii&°Z‘$°m”{f¤¤°*if Ji Sm., 23 In the: event that the Secretaryoff the Treasury is unable

 °'"°h°° °°° to enter into Suche contract, hg  to acquire such plot by

`oondsmnaaionsas asite fora 'V ing _ _r such, ·pm·poses.· ` Apprdyed, 4, 1927;, Vt ’ ‘_, Mlghsiidgéif V501.;-An Act To provide foriappointmentas warrant otiicers of the [Public, No. 796.1 Regular Army of such persons as would haue bQQll'$];Flth1B tllzerefor but for the interruption of their status, caused tay military ‘se ce re ered·‘by them as _ commissioned oiiicers during the Worl War. , Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of the iggiammuwa- United Staterof Americain Oongreee ctssembletl, That the Secretary ’J§,,°{.°§’,,$ki,°{,{}‘{,'},§§’,T§ of War is authorized to appoint as warrant oflicers of the Regular gr*·g;¤*g&W¤¤¤¤ We" Arm any " rsons whose commissioned iu the Army during ' the %orld‘ _$$a1t,’ addedto their prior service asquartermaster clerk, amounted to twelveyears or ,m01f¢_ of continuous service prior to June 4,, 1920, and who iwere deemed "notieligible for a&pomt;nent as field clerks, Quartermaster Corps, because of the in rruption of their twelve years’ requisite service as quartermaster clerks to render com-