SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 501,/502. 1927. 1417
service in the World War, and who also had sulllcient
military service under the provisiom of section ta of the Act of June "°L "· P- ’°‘· 4,.311920,-f0r:!};p0:;nli;Iuoi1tYa8 wggrilrant oiiicirs, but time no: eligible for su a in en yreascn avmgreu aciviianstatusat the end?} their paid compiissioned service: Pgovietied, Thatilin deltierii “§ZSii°°ier all mm- rn" ‘o serviceoron vijaanreirement esa · be\%iti¥'lvir1ith`and_entitled togocodhtptlhz same military sergice as authorized for warrant odicers and all classified service rendered as clerks of the Quartermaster Deplartment and Quartermaster Corps: Provided further, Thattthe limi tion in the Act of June 30, 1922, on ,,,,§,‘},‘,§{,’§ 1****** “°‘ the number ofhwarragt otlicers, United States Army, shall not apply <>¤- ·¤» v· 7¤¤· to appointees ereun er. Approved, March 4, 1927. CHAP. 502.-An Act To authorise the sale, under provisions of the Act of [s. March 12, 1928 (Public, Numbered 45), of surplus War Department real [Publis Nv- 796-1 vr¢p¤¤’ty·. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representa¢·bvea of the United States of America in Uongreuaaeevnbled, That the Secretary ‘°* mmm! of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to sell or cause to be sol , sua or mm. ae. under the provisions of the Act of March 12, 1926, the several tracts °°},‘Z;’}$’°,{_”g‘2;€‘?°°‘ or parcels of real property hereinafter designated, or any portion thereof, upon determination by him that said tracts or parcels are no lgnger needgdufcr Ir;1il`i0t$ryS€;urposesi and gi mu? and delivei intenameo e ni y tesan ini anyana conft;rac§s, ccgiveyances, or other instruments necessary to eifectuate suc saean conve ance: `Name of mervatiion-——F0rt Wayne, Michigan; Matanzas Military N‘““°' °°""’°*"°· Reservation,'Florida (exceptingapproximately one acre on whic is located an old S anishfortillcatien declared a national monument V,,,_,_,_,,_ ,,6,, b proclamation o¥ the President under date of October 15, 1924); Gimp Upton, New Y0rk· Lafayette Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (lot in) ; Odd Pellows Cemetery, Philadelphia, enn- mania (nine thousand and. forty square feet) ; American Mechamcs etery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvama (six lots) ; Kirkdale Cemetery, Liverpool, Englan (fifty-eight lots); Newport Cemetery, Lincoln, wwwa Pom England (thirteen lots) ; ashington Point, Norfolk, Virginia: va. ' Provided, hat the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized c.‘ msaiéy ms, ear to sell or cause to be sold, in the manner and upon such terms as he ‘ shall deem expedient, the several cemetery lots and Washington Point, Norfolk, Virginia, hereinbefore designated, and to execute _ and deliver in the name of the United States and m- its behalf any and ’all contracts, conveyances, or other instruments necessary to EmmM,_,_,mm effectuate such sale and conveyance: Provided further, That the www- expense of sale be paid from the proceeds thereof, and the net proceeds deposited in the Treasury of·the United States to the credit of the Military Post Construction Fund; Fort McPherson Target rm Mmm. mas Range Waco, Georgia; Fort Moultrie Rifle Ran? South Carolina: R°P*{,*,°,;,§;,,C;,, Mmm, Provided; That from the proceeds of the sale of ort Moultrie Riile game rum Reuse iE“?§°’,3’“ii‘ i°“‘»}’li’£i"i"é° “§? °f ”¥°$°‘° tit?. ”°€”Z?JL° “F‘i“°.‘i U e rcase neeca o are oser o_an commonly known ah the Mount Plyeasant Target Range, by exercising the option and ri ht to purchase contained 1n the lease dated June 25, 1919, eifective §ul#yi 1, 1919, ending December 31, 1929, and signed by F. Goblet, of Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, _as the ’ lessor; Coronado Beach Military Reservation, Coronado, bahfornia gpart, approximately thirty-three acres); Omaha Depot, Omaha, ebraska; Springfield Armory, Sprmgiield, Massachusetts (part, `approximately thirteen acres).
Approved, March 4, 1927.