SIXTY—NINTH cousasss. .sm.» 11. ics. sos. um. 1419 of alien arents, referred to in the last ar h of section 5, who °‘P°'°° R*g'f“ bm did not givail themselves of the privil;gd) to them of becom- Ommmm ing citizens of the United States, sh l have a period of one year from the ap roval of this Act to make the declaration provided for in the agoresaid section: And provided further, That persons m1;:¢¤;_¤yg¤¤¢i¤¤ ¤,f who elected to retain the political status of citizens of Porto Rico foreign mm. may within one year after the passage of this Act become citizens `of the United Statesupon the same terms and in the same manner as is provided for the naturalization of native Porto Ricans born of foreign §arents." · Sno. 3. T at section 20 of the said Act be, and the same is hereby, ,dY°1‘3°’°‘°57’“m°“°` amended to read as follows: ·“ Sm. 20. That. there shall be appointed by the President an g0‘§,°€.l,§°°{,y°¥;,,b°p,,‘§,‘K auditor, at an annual salary of $6,000, for a term of four ggars °_§f,,,,,_;,, ,,,,,,,,0, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. There shall au <i¤¤¤¤.¤w. ' assistant auditor and such other necessary assistants and employees as may be prescribed by law. The auditor shall ap ’ t the assist- ant auditor. In case of the absence from duty, from any cause, of the auditor, the assistant auditor shall exercise all the owers and perform all the duties of the auditor during such ailisence; and in case of the absence from duty, from any cause, of both the auditor and the assistant auditor, the Governor of Porto Rico shall designate an assistant who shall have charge of the oihce. · Dimmm mr su " The auditor shallexamine, adjust, decide, audit, and settle all nnmcmwwnme. accounts and claims pertaining to the revenues and rweipts from whatever source of the government of Porto Rico and of the munici- pal funds derived from bond issues; and he shall examine, audit, and settle, in accordance with law and administrative regulations, all expenditures of fxmds and groperty pertaining to or held in trust by the vernment of Porto ico or t e municipalities or depend- encies tggreof. He shall perform a like duty with respect to all government branches. P N 0, “ The auditor shall keep the general accountsiof the government, voudigdlszcl °° be the custodian of and preserve the vouchers rtaimng thereto; E lu iv J Mic The jurisdiction of the auditor over accounts, whgther of funds or amiga? ° ur ` pgoperty, and all vouchers and records pertaining thereto, shall exclusive. It shall be the duty of the auditor to bring to the attention of the propertadministrative odicer expenditures of funds or property which, in his opinion, are extravagant, excessive, unnecessary, or irregular. · - “The decisions o the auditor shall be final, ex t that appeal mmm mm therefrom may be taken bi the party aggrieved orozhe head of the . department concerned wit in one year, in the manner hereinafter Aumom mm to prescribed. The auditor shall, except as hereinafter provided, have mma egos cmp- ike authority as that conferred by the law upon the Comptroller “°u°‘°°”°"" General of the United States, and is authorized to communicate directly with any person having claims before him for settlement, gpéwiiiéih any department, oilicer, or person having ollicial relation with o ce. “ The auditor, with the approval of the governor, shall from time ,,,§f°“’°°’ °‘“°°°“”“‘ to time make and promulgate general or special rules and regulations not inconsistent with law coverinfgufhe methods of accounting for public- funds and property, and ds and property held in trust P,,,,,,_ y the government or any of its branches; Provwled, That anv mkgswm gf ¤*¤¤¢ Officer accountable for public funds or property may uire such °°°°u° ' additional reports or returns from his subordinates or loggers as he . may deem necessary for his own 1nformat1on_andtj;rotect1on. V _,dm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of _‘ In the execution of his duties the auditor is au orized to summon ggsgg J&¤¤‘¤¤ •¤¤· witnesses, administer oaths, and to take evidence, and, in the pur- ’ ` suance of these provisions, may issue subpa-mas and enforce the
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1459