1420 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 503. 11927. attendance of witnesses, and compel witnesses to roduce boo letters, documents, papers, record and all other agticles deeme essential to ea full understanding o? the matter imder investigation. bAgxm{¤¤¤•1 www "As soon after the close of each fiscal year as the accountof said ’ ' year may beexamined and adjusted, the auditor shall submit to the gvernor an annual report of the fiscal concern of the government, owmg tliereceipts and disbursements of the various epartments and bureaus oft e government and of the various municipalities, and makesuoh other rts as may be required of him by the gpvphrpofj or mtlge éiead ofrtliiiatgexiecutivewpartnglent of tlée Govergment o ni tates to esigna by t e Presi ent as erein provided. mQ,§?W¤v<L#b¤f°W· “The oiiice of’}:he auditor shall be under the general supervision of the governor. _ °dvex.sap.¤•¤.¤¤¤=¤¤- Sm. 4. That section 31 of the said Act be, and the same is hereby, ' amended to read as follows: ummm. o “ Snow 31. Thatmembers of the senate and house of representa-
"‘°?°" °' tives of Porto Rico shall receive com nsation at the 1·ate of $7 per
day for the number of days of eacharegular session and of each spelcial slsssion zvihile in sessiqgg and milpage for each regular session an eac speci session at e rate o 10 cents er kilometer for each kilometer actually and necemarily traveled inpgoing from their place of residence in their legislative districts to the capital and returmng)therefrom to -their place of residence in their legislative gag- mmm to districts y the usual routes of travel: Provided, That milea for emma. on1y_ one trip in going to and from each regular session any each
F*Y°‘°'“’ special session shall be allowed: And prmnded further That the
` members of the senate and house of representatives of l’orto Rico shall not entitled to nor receive any emoluments, remuneration, compensation, or payment for services or expenses other than the $7 per day compensation for services and 10 cents per kilometer for travel expense in this section authorized." °dV¤l.¤¤.v.¤¤¤.¤¤¤¤d- Sno. 5. That section 33 of the said Act be, and the same is hereby, '1‘lm·¤rm¤1¤r¤¤· no. . a re ar sessionso e ' atures be el i Tlidtss guluowsz ` f th legisl hall h d sions - · ' annually, convening on the second Monda 1n Februar of each Bestricttouonspeclal year and closing not later than April 15 gollowing; theygovernor ""‘°“· may call special sessions of the legislature or of the senate at any time when in his opinion the public interests may uire it, but no special session shall continue lon er than fourteen rciiiendar days, and no legislation shall be considered at such session other than that _ specifixép tiheplall therelfgr or _in any specigl message by the gov- ernor e cgi ature w ` ein suc semion. °dv,,,_,,_,_,,,_,,,,,,;. Smqi t'1(;hat siectiop 38 of the said Act be, and the same is hereby, · amen rea as 0 ows: Pub1ie8a·vic• com- “Snq. 38. That all grants of franchises, rights, privileges, and “’“'°""‘ conoemions of a public or quasi public nature shall be made by a A,,¤,,,,n, OL pubhc service commission consisting of a public service commimioner, who shall be the president of the said commission, and two associated commissioners, to be appointed by the governor withthe advice and ·p.¤.., consent of the senate. The Public Service Commissioner shall be appointed for a term of three years and until his successor shall be appoxnted and Elhsgll have t%15aE£ieS,ha?gfone of the fsaid associm commissioners, appoin , a 0 or a term o two ears one shall hold for a term of one year; and thereafter, each of said . associate commissioners shall hold for a term of three ears and until their successors shall have been appointed and shall have qualified: dragon:. I P1·0v1ded,_That the present elective members of the said commimion at ,;,,,u°$,l'°°,,,‘§,,,’Y,{,',T shall continue to be members of said commission until their term mw °°¤¤¤ •¤P**¤· of oiiice expires as now provided by law and shall form the commis-