14% SIXTYZNINTH OONGRESS. Sue. II. Cu. 509. 1927. "*‘°°‘*°°-" (18) The terms “r adoption ” or “adopted" mean legal adoption priorto the time of the injury. ‘ _ _ ,¤,,_,"‘,,’$_ “’° ¥°°‘°‘ h(1$)‘ The %ular.includes the plural and the masculme includes t e feminine neuter. ‘ 7 ¤¤v¤•••· I ( I Q I oovmaen I cmpmem my “ Sno. 3. (a) Qompensation shall be payable under this Act _in ,;’§&"*{’,"},‘;‘§§‘; rasiiect of disability or death of an employee, but onlyl if the dis- pmvmed byBt¤t•1•w. ,5 'tyfqr death--results from an mcjury ulpon t e nawgable waters of the United States (inclu ing any dry oc ) _and if recovery forthe disabi1ity`~or· death through tworkmenls compensation pro- r¤•¤¤s¤s¤¤ea. ceedlngs ma not validly be provided by State law. · No compen- sation shall he payable in respectof thedisability or death of- ,,,,8 0, W, 0, (1) A master or member 0 a crewiof any 'vessel, nor any person v¤¤¤¤1··¢¤· euiagedcby the to load or unload or repair any small vessel un ` "ei (teen nsnetr or ‘ I rama, ams, ae., (3;. hgh officer or employee of the United States or any agency °‘“"‘°’°°‘ ’ thgrgof or anyfState or foreign government, or of any po itical su V1 ion reo . · ”}j,,*¤{_¤Ym%¤2¤•g1d_ (b) -§I`o‘ conipensation shall be ayable if the injury was occa- ew. ’ _ sionedsolel by the intoxicationholf the empiloyee or by the willful intentionofvthe employee to or kill imself, or another. Liabilltyioreompen- 3 i. V ‘ U { · num. nunmrrt ron ooxrnnsyrrox E¤*¤*°Y°¤ ‘°;°°“’° Sac. 4. (a) Every em oyer shall be liable for; and shall secure wmwtwwv yu` the payment to his empllldyees of the compensation, payable under sections 7, 8, 9. In the case of an employer who is a subcon- tractor, the contractor shall be liable for and shall secure the pay- ment of such complensation to employees of the subcontractor unlem the subcontractor; as secured suc (payment. _ . ”¥y;g;'**· °* *¤¤** (b) Foujpensation shall .be payab e IITBSPGOUVB of fault as a cause or. e injury. wlgxinsnaw or Mn- V; A nxcnusrvrnnse our iaaaxurr N° °°’*°*, 1***. ”_““’ °° Sac. 5. _The liabilit of an em loyer rescribed in sectio 4 hall be Mya exclusive `and in placis of all other liagilitg of such emplldyeg to the employee, legal redpresentative, husban or wife, parents, depend- 2’1(ts,‘ne§th of tgnyone pthdrwise gititled to reciyercillamages · rn su empoyer a aw or in a (_ on account o sul inj ”’°°"“°" §E...r."°“*%‘;.°5.°°.%$,$r1Yiii."2»$i‘L“§;Z;l;\°$*.l1.’.‘.‘°,..ds°°‘*"i*’“’“°°*h‘i§ _ _ / J em oee or a representative in _case.death_ . tsfromthe m$ur]y, iuay eleciigto claim compenfation th1s Act, or to maintain an actionat law or in adnnral y for damages on account of such injury or death. In such actgzpitlie dgaendanjsl maypnotfpleagu as a defense that th;} injury Wiwcb .,'y_ lnpgicbocola ow-servant nor at the employee ofhisyemployment, nor that the injury was duo to the contributory negligence of the employee. ruin ron couumemmu or conrrmssyrxon ,,,,,,m, Sac. 6. (a)· No compensation shall be allowed for the nrst seven wise; d·n;•¤¤g¤9•i=»“ days of the disabilityzbexcept the beneilts provided for in section 7 : danqnstgsnem date Pmvifhed, dat intgase the injury results inasilisabiligoof · more- an- o - ’ aye, ecompensationsall·be ‘owed m the date of the disability. i ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· a b) Compensation for disabilityshall not exceed $25 per week nor );·'*ug,•*;·é_u, nm beless than per Fweelci Proezhled, €hawever,iThat if the employee’s wages at the time of injury are less than $8 per shall receive his full weekly wages. .; ·
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1466