SIXTYsNINTH oousmzss. sw. II. ou. we. mv. 1425 (2) The term " injury " means accidental ' 'ury or death arising out of in the course of erlrliployment, and sdg occupational disease or infection as arises natur y out of such employment or as natu- rally or nmavoidably results from such accidenta injury, and includes an injury caused by the willful act of a third person directed against an employee because of his empiloyment. (3) The term “employee " oes not include a master or member "E“‘¤‘°’°°·" of a crew of any vessel, nor any Herson engaged by the master to - load or unload or repair any sma vessel un er eighteen tons net. (4) The term _ " employer " means an employer any of whose "E“’p‘°’°‘·" employees are employed lll maritime em loyment in whole or in part, upggcihf navigable waters of the qlnited States (including any . . Sailing term “carrier” means any person or fxmd authorized }.‘§,,"‘f',§€',2,,,_ un er section 32. to insure under this Act and includes self-insurers. (6) The term " commission " means the United States Employees’ "C°m‘“‘S“‘°“·" Com ation Commission. t . . (7 l The term " deputy commissioner ” means the deputy commis- ,,Q;,]§,fB“°" C°"“°"‘ sioner having jurisdiction in respect of an injury or death. CO(8) éljhe term " State " inclu es a Territory and the District of “S‘“‘°·" um 1a. (9) The term " United States ” when used in a geogra hical sense "U"“°° S“"°‘·" means the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia, including the territorial waters thereof. (10) “ Disability " means incapacity because of injury to earn “D*“°m"·" the wages which the employee was receiving at the time of injury in the same or any other em loyment. N __ (11) “ Death " as a basis ger a right to compensation means only D°“°" death resulting from an injury. __ H (12) " Compensation ” means the money allowance playable to an °°“"’°“’“"°“‘ employee or to his dependents as provi ed for in t is Act, and inc udes fnmeral senses provided therein. . _, ,_ (13) “Wages" means the money rate at which the service ren- wm"' dered is recompensed imder the contract of hiring in force at the time of the injury, including the reasonable value of board, rent, housing, lodging, or similar advantage received f1·om the employer, and gratuities received in the course of employment from others than the employer. _- _ . (14) " Ch1ld " shall include-a plosthumous child a child legally "°““d·" adopted rior to the inju oft e employee, and a stepchild or acknowledged illegitimate Igiild dependent uHon the deceased, but docs not include married children unless who y dependent on him. “Grandchild " means a child as above defined of a child as above Zi§,’,,'§“,_§g$%“§i;Q, ..5,8, defined. "Brother"_and “sistei·’?’ include stepbrothers and stelp- wr-" sisters, half brothers and half and brothers and sisters y adoption but does not include marrie brothers nor married sisters mmm! to du 18 unless wholly dependent on the employee. ‘f Ch1ld," "grandchi1d," ywsmge. uu “‘brother,"“and sister ” include only persons who at_ the time of the death of the deceased employee are under eighteen (years of age. _, __ (15) The term “parent"’ includes step-parents an parents y P"'°“’" adoption, parents·in- aw, and any PQDSOIX who for more than three years prior to the death of the deceased employee stood in the place of a arent to him, if. dependent on the injured employee. (16;) The term “ widow " includes only the decedent’s wife living "W*d¤w·" with or dependent for sug rt upon himiat the timeofhis death; or livlihng apart for justi age cause or by reason of his desertion at su time. (17) The term “ widower ’? includes only the decedent’s.husband "W*d°'¤·" who at the time of her death lived with her and was dependent for support upon her. 43892°—27;90
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1465