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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1468

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1428 SIXTY·NINTH oononnssi sm. 11. Cm soo., 1927. 5 e l one hundred and sixty weeks’ compensation. 6 gqumclitlost, seve.nty·Hve weeks’ compensation. 7 _First finger lost ·forty·six_ weeks’ compensation. · 8 Great toe lost, thirty»eight weeks’ compensation. 9 A Second finger lost, thirty weelrs’ compensation. _ C 10 Third finger lost, twentyyfive weeks’ compensatwn. _ 11 Toeother than great .toe lost, sixteen weeksipcompensation. 12 Fourth linger lost, fifteen. weeks’ compensation. I _ , ~ 13. Loss of hearin 2 Compensation for oss of hearing of one ear, fifty-two weeks. for loss of hearing of both ears, _14 : pensa on or osso more anonep an e °"'? h$’”iiI°d.¤.¤"g.8“k‘e.m a { 1 { it as of a digit shall be the same as for loss of the entire digit. Compensation for low of the first phalange shall be one-half of the compensation for less of the entire digit. (15) Amputated arm or leg; Compensation for an arm or a leg, if amputated at or above the elbow or the knee, shall be the same as for a loss of the armor leg; but, if amputated between the elbow and the wristor the knee and the ankle, s all be the same as for loss of a hand or foot. . - (16) Binocular vision or Per centum of vision: Compensation for loss of binocular vision or or 80 per oentum or more of the vision of an eye shall be the same as for loss of the ¢;ye. · (17) Two or more digits: Compensation or loss of two or more digits, or one or more phalanges of two or more digits, of a hand or foot may be proportioned- to the loss of use of the hand or foot occasioned there y, ut shall not exceed the compensation for loss of a hand or foot. . a _ . mwmexm. _ (18) Total loss of use: Compensation for permanent total loss of 1186 of a member shall be the same as for loss of the member. P¤*'·*¤“°¤°*¤*°· (19) Partial loss or partial loss of use: Compensation for perma- nent partial loss or loss of use of a member may be for proportionate loss 0; hiss of use of thiehgicimber. Sh H d Distlaumnent. 20 ` rement: eputy commissioner a awar proper and equitable compensation for serious facial or head distigurement, not to exceed $3,500. d,§§‘}f¤°;,f';,§‘;',$‘§§§ (21) Other cases: .In all other cases in this clam of disability ¤r¤•¤¤¤ mduxpakrgg the compensation shall be 66% lpgr oentum of the difference between ` ‘ his average weekly wages and ' ·wage·earning capacity thereafter in the same employment or otherwise, payable during the continuance of such partial disability but subject to reconsideration of the degree of such impairment by the deputy commissioner on his own. motion or upon application of any party . . _

m•¤g _ (2Q)_ In case of temporary total d1sabil1ty_and permanent partial

nminmy. disability _ both resulting fromthe BRIDE 1H]\1I’y, 1f the temgzrary

 conttgnupsnfor a longer  thanodtht} num r of

w setoin·eoow1n'%sched_ eiotema total disability in excess of suc number of wlezrks shall belfdldg Amana. to the compensation period provided in subdivision (c) _of this section: Arm, thirty—two weeks; leg, forty weeks; hand, thirty-two weeks; foot, thirty-two weeks; eye, twenty weeks; thumb, _twenty— four weeks; first finger, eighteen weeks; great toe, twelve weeks, second zigr, twelve weeks; third finger, eight weeks; fourth linger, cig'}-: w ; toe other than great toe, eight weeks. _ 1 when tempmn any case resulting in oss or partial loss of use of arm, leg §;'f,¤d“°“p,,¥,‘§,‘,§§°$,§g{ hand, foot, eye, thumb, linger, or toe, where the temporary total ¤¤¤·¤¢· · disability does not extend beyond the periods above mentioned for such gréjixiry, compensation shall be limited to the schedule contained in su vision (c).