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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1469

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SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Suse. II. Cu. 509. 1927. 1429 Sd) Any compensation to which any claimant would be entitled d;•u;m°¤*·* *¤ °¤¤• °¥ uner subdivision (c) excepting subdivision (c—21) shall, notwith- ` standmgodeath arising from causes other than the injury, be payable to ind: fr the benefit of the persons followin : (ij ri there be n surviving wire or depemient husband and no ...,Y,'¥.:,.,?* °·¤·¤°°°* chi gof Ellie under the age of cig teen years, to such wife or epen ent usbd . i . (2) If there be a survi ' wife or dependent husband and sur- D*{,‘:‘b°°,,_,,b,¤°‘,,'•°° viving child or children of iis deceased under the age of eighteen mmm. md years, one half shall be payable to the surviving wife or dependent usband and the other half to the surviving chil or children. (3) The deputy commissioner may in is discretion require the d,‘,§{,*f*""*“ ’°' ”"”°’ appointment of a guardian for the purpose of receiving the com- pensation of the minor child. In the absence of such a requirement the appointment for such a purpose shall not be necessary. Cmd H H8 ·$4)‘ f there be a surviving child or children of the deceased uunnnuu, °° " °' un’ er the age of eighteen years, but no s1u·viving wife or dependent husband, then to such child or children. (5) An avyard for disability maybe made after the death of the **"°"‘““°"’°““‘· in'ured <m o ee. - · ` - ](e) Temjlioriiry partial disability: In case of temporary partial asriiiimixliiim ww disability resulting in decrease of earning capacity the compensation j°,‘?{,‘§f‘““°“ °‘ “" shall be two-thirds of the diference between the injured employee’s average weekly wages before the injury and his wage-earning ca- pacity after t e injury in the same or another employment, to be paid duriigg the continugpse of such disability, but s all not be paid or a ri exceeding years. i (f) Pfnjury increasing disability: (1) _If can employee receive an I Mknnghgmiglun injury which of itself would only cause permanent partial disability y` but which, combined with a previous disability, does in fact cause permanent total disability,‘the~employer shall provide compensation only for the disabilit caused by the subsequent injury: mcided, §',‘;§°,;,, mm ,,,,_ however- That in acivdition to compensation for such permanent ¢*¤*?¤¤°· partial disability, and after the cessation of· the payments for the prescribed period of weeks, the employee shall be pai the remainder of the compensation that would be ue for permanent total disability. Suclg adldogional compgsation shall be paid out of the special fund PMP- 1***- esta lis in section . ( _ i (2) In all other eases in which, following a previous disability, '°"°°* an employee receives an injury] which is not covered by (1) of this subdivision, the employer sha provide compensation only for the disabilityicaused by the subsequent injury. In determining compen- D¤¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤ of- sation for the subsequent injury or for death resulting therefrom, the average weekly wages shall be such sum as will reasonably represent the earningicapacity of the employee at the time of the subsequent in u . . ‘ lg Maintenance for employees undergoing vocational rehabilita- m:¤¢>*¤¤¤•I 1** tion: An employee who as a result of injury is or may be expected manu. to be totally or partially incapacitated for -a remunerative occupation and who, under the direction of the commission as provided by sec- tion 39 (c) of this Act, is beingrendered lit to engage in a remunera- §g;g&{“2· tive occupation, shall receive additional compensation necessary for ` his maintenance, but such additional compensation shall not exceed Pm P mj E12 a week. · The expense shall be paid out of the special fund estab- ' ` ' `s ed in section 44. ` courunsarron ron umm u£¢.°ii!i°°°°S°°i°° M >S¤o. 9. If the injury causes death, the compensation shall be known $‘,{§,T‘&?Y " m*“"' as a death benefit an shall be pnynbini in t e amount and to or for the benefit of the persons following: mmmmmu (a) Reasonable funeral expenses not exceeding $200. '