LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. mm Pan. Public lands, exchanges in Colorado. An Act To authorise the Secretary of the Interior to e lands in private ownemhip in Gunnison County, Colorado, certain public in.Delts County, Colorado. March 8, 1927. .......,................ 1371 Califomia northern district, additional Judge. An Act T0 authorize the agfxalniznent of su additional {udp for the District Court of the United States for the orthern District G °‘..d°2‘1‘..» M,. “»..,u.“"" ”.»..¢..·e.’ ‘‘‘‘‘ mz otton gr l ’ , u o ' ure collect and publish statistics of the o and staglelength of cotton. March 3, 1927- 172 N ew York northern district An Act 0 for the appointment of an additional judge oltlicbistrictv urtol the Uuiwd tatesfcr the No hem District of S ·..,m,N°" 2E°"" ”2."t“.?" m' ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ·‘·· *37* pn nu., par . ou . c onzing e re o War to convey to the chil;} g£¤·iugiie usstts, certain parcels of land within zoo Armory Reservation, Massachusettgsand for other purposes. 1374 Arapaho Nation}! Forest, Colo. Au Act Authorizing A t of the boundaries of the Arapaho National Forest, and for other auch 8, 1927 ......... - ...... 1378 Pre.s£di;pu%San· Francisco, Calif., tranqisrz An errix$haé f the lands of the t•&lLl'®0!'V8t10D0fu10PlT68id100tS&BF!lD¤1B00t0 eut0ftbeT1·eas— ury. arch 3 1927 ........................................... _ ............, 1378 Bridge, Ohio River. An_ Act To extend the times for oommcncingkand completing the con- · struction of a budge across the Ohio River at Louisville, entucky, and to repeal certain former bridienltws. Much 3, 1927 ,....... --: ....................... ,.- 1379 D£s¢rido[Columbsa,blacb AnActToprohib1tthesa1eofblsckb•¤sinths District of Columbia. arch 3, 1927- - --.--...-- 9 -.-....-..---..-.-.. A ..-..-.-. 1 379 Michigan eaetern district, addstioaal An Aot—'1`o provide for one additional district judge for the eastem district of bigan. March 8, 1937 .-.-.-.-- -4 ..-..-.-.... 1380 Air Corps, Army, deeignafar aircraft. . An Act To amend the Actcntitlcd " Au Act to (provide more etfeotively for the national defense by increasing the ediciency of Air arpa of the Army of the United States, and for other purpcses," approved July 2, 926. March 3, 1927 ..-.....-......--......-.-..-..----...-.---....-. - .--..,.. ,--.. 1380 Retirement of civil service employees for retention. An Act To amend ths·Act entitled " An Act to amend the Ac entitled ‘ All Act for the retirement of employees in the classified civil service, and for other puma} a proved May 22, 1920, and Acts gxazalmeudment thereof," approved July 3, 1 , and or other purposes. March 3, 1380 Chalmslte Monumenl La., roadwa . An Act Authorizing an ap tion for the construc- tion of e roadway and wall leading to and around the Monument, Chal- metfc, Louisiana. March 3 1927 --.-----..-...---.-..-.---.-.----..---..-.--. 1381 Customs and Prohibition Bureaus, Tireaaury Department. An Act To create a Bureau of Cue- toms and a Bureau of Prohibition in the Department of the Maroh3, 1927. 1381 District of Columbia, committees in lumug eases. An Act Relating to appointment ol trustees and committees. March , 1927 -.-.-.-...-..- - ---.-..-- - -........--..- 1 383 District of Columbia, limitation of court a€poir•¢od((";sa1·d£a¤•. An~A¤t Amending section 1125 and 1127 chapter 31 of the Dis rict of lumbia Code. March 3, 1927 .--...--.. 1383 Marine Corps, William H. ·SJan!elmam¤, band leader. An Act For the promotion and retire- mggnlt of William H. Santelmann, leader of the United States Marine Band. March 3, 1 - ......-..................................... - ......................... 1383 Public building, San Francisco, Calif., subtreasury. An Act Authorizing the sale of the new subtreasury building and site in San Francisco, California. March 3, 1927 ....-..-. 1384 Bndge, Ohio River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Indiana Bridge Com- pany to construct, maintain, and operate s bridge across the Ohio River at Evansville, me er °}“2—“?‘ ...»....,1""’°..d...*‘ 3· ‘°”"u; ‘=‘*‘‘‘· ‘‘‘‘ ;»;‘.>.;;‘e»;.;"·m"‘2 *38* n o ou ngeo equated . oauo exc geo certain lands between tbo4Jnited States and the District of Columbia. March 8, 1927- 1386 Helium gas production, etc. An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the conservation, roduction, and exploitation of helium gas, a mineral resourcetpertain- ing to the natgonal defense, and to the development of commercial aeronau cs, and for other purposes." March 3, 1927- -..............-. - ----.-.-....--.-.--.-... 1387 Pataah de sire on private property. An Act To amend section_2 of an Act entitled " An Act auglgorizing nvestigations by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Com- merce jointly to determine the location, extent, and mode of occurrence ofggotash de osits in the United States, and to conduct laboratory tests." March 3, 1 7 -.-- 1388 Phoenix fndian School, Ans. An Act To authorize the purchase of land for an addition to the United States Indian school farm near Phoemx, Ariaona. March 3, 1927 --.... 1389 Cheyenne R' Reservation Indiana, S. Dak. An Act To authorise per olgpita payments to the Imam of the Cheyenne River Reservation, South Dakota. arch 3, 1927 .... 1389 World War adjusted service eerlgcalea, loam by Veteran! Bureau. An Act To authorize the Director of the United tatcs Veterans’ Bureau to make loans to veterans upon the securit of adjusted service certificates. March 3, 1927- ....... · ............ _-- .--- 1389 Philip,.me Isinds, act of legislature approved. An Act To ratify and confirm Act Numbered 3243 of the Philippine Legislature, approved November 27, 1925. March 3, 1927-- 1390 Army, eomtructwro at mililary posts. An Act To authorize appropriations for construction at military posts, and for other purposes. March 3, 1927 -----.-..---..---...-... 1390
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