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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/38

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xxxvm LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Bridge, Mwst Hops Bw. An Act Granting the consent oi Congress to the Mount Hope Bridp C·omp•§v, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a

 across ount Hope Bay between the towns of Bristol and Portsmouth, in

Island. Msmh 3, 1027. ,..............,........ - ......._.............. iam Aloakaiusoungoiyaalijiodimu, ctc. An Act To prescribe oertsin of the giualiiestiono of voters the erritoryofgllasksoandiorotherpurposes. Marchz, 927. ..,..,......... 1392 Patent Twain, éssusdssnts. An AotA.me¤d1ngsoo·tlon52ottheJudicial Gods. March 8, 1394 Foreign Cosssurcs Ssnico, ` of Commerce. An Act To establish in the Bureau of Fozdgnand of the Depsrtmentof‘Co¤uneroeaForeignCommerce S6l’V$»¤60fu16UDitGlSh·5$¤df0I0tl1.8!'Xnu1X06%. Msrch3 1927 .... - .......,. 1394 White House grounds D. C. of iron gates. _ ct A t’he removal of theiron QtesinWsstEmoutivoiys¤usbatwnsntl1egro¤1ndsof the teHouseandtheSta.tc •.r_•¤dNqvyBuIlding.*M•mh8,1927 .,.. - ........... , ..................... 1397 South Corolma A Ezpsriaasnt Station. An Act Authorui¤g;Z.rn°appmpristion to enable the ot Agriculture to ooopeqte with the South lins Agricultural Experiment Station. March 8, 1927 ......................................... ·- 1397 Amy, Pioat£»ny.Ar•¢nal, N. J. An Art To authorise an appropriation to rehabilitate the M H£?*‘“"’ ..t....t"°“".r.».. "‘ "°;.’..’°”°’· “‘i‘;l‘i*t’·‘}“'··e»....·····... ········· as ······· e rr *3*** ,psrca c oau aperoap paymen rom · tribalfundstothel·‘ortH oIudians.·tMarch3,1927 ........................... 1397 Toll bridqesaf8tatu, torsociv•Fcdcmlaid. AnAot Topennitthegrantingof Federal aidin respect of certain roads and bridges. March 3, 927 ..................... .. ...... 1398 Fort Hall Indian Bsssrsatian, Idaho An Act For the irrlefation of addi- tional lands withintbo Fort Hall irrigation in Idaho. arch 3, 1927-- 1398 Soqaoyah Orphans Okla., water suaply. — Act To authorise an appropria- tion to enable the of the Interior rovide an adequate water supgly for the

 llgéphan Training School near Tsglequah, Cherokee County, klahoma. 1399

Krc y ------..-.--;.3-;.;---..;;.;...--..-----....-..- .... ......-- ...... -.. .... --...

 of Columbia} fa•j»•ors’ Koduoc marks! sits. An Act Authorizing negotiations for the

gccinaiésjltxon 0 a site for e fsrmers’ produce market, and for other purposes. March 1399 Stones National Military Pork, Toms. An Act To establish a national military park at the battle Bold oi? Stones River, Tennessee. March 8, 1927 .... ` ........... - ‘ ...... 1399 I ndez o{`_Fsdsral Statutes. An Act Providing for the revision and printing of the index to the ederal Statutes. l March 8, 1927 ..... ».. ....................................... 1401 Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Hontqoiland gasdopositsrsscrvod. An Act To amend the Act entitled " An Act for the survey and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, ln the State of Montana and the sale and goal of all the surplus lands afterallotment,” approved May 30, li)08, as amended, for other purposes. March 8 1927 .... - ................................... 1401 Obsolcto ordnance to stcrems of For? Wars Detroit Mich. An Act Authorizing the Secre-

 ar to donate to the ayne Count{ Council of the Veterans of Foreign Wars,

of t, &atoof Michigan, two obsolete cannons. March 3 1927 - ...... --- 1402 Philippine Islands Government, reimbursement. An Act To authorise nsimhursement of the

 the Philippine Islands for maintaining alien crews prior to April 6, 1917. 1402

are , .............................................................. Pan American Sanitary Conference. Joint Resolution To provide for the expenses of dele- gates of the United States to the Eighth Pan American Sanitary Conference to be held at Lima, Peru. March 3, 1927 ............................................... 1402 Economic o¢rr:,fsmncs. Joint Resolution To provide for the expenses of the participation of the United States in the work of the economic conference to be held a Geneva, Swit- serland. March 3, 1927 ..... - ............................................... 1403 Rio Grande and Colorado River, use of the waters of lower. Joint Resolution Amending the Ast of May 13, 1924, entitled ‘ An act providing}; study re%r7ding the equitable use of the waters or the Rio Grande " and so forth. . arch 8, 1 .................... - 1403 Columbia R€oe1 , time Joint Resolution Ektending the provisions of the Acts of 4, 1925, and April 13 1926, relatigalg to a compact between the States of Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Montana for ocating the waters of the Columbia River and its tributaries and for other purposes. March 3, 1927 ................. 1403 N ational Guard, return of World War funds. Joint Resolution Providing for the return of l£ g :6‘>27World War National Guard organizations that are not reconstituted. 1404 l ······•···-·····*·*•••-··•·*-··•*--··•···•*•••*··*···-··'·•’···••·•’·••••*·*···*"• Chattanooga National Cemetery, Tenn. Joint Resolution Authorixing the use of a portion of that part of the United States National Cemetery Reservation at Chattanooga, Ten- nessee, outside the cemetery wall, for a city pound, animal shelter, and hospital. March , 1 27--- ---..--.-..--.--.--..---....-.-.--.--...-.--...-.-.......-- 1404 Limitation of Armament Conference. Joint Resolution To provide for the expenses of the participation of the United States in the work of a preparatory oommxssion to con- sider questions of reduction and limitation of armaments. March 3, 1927 ....- - .... 1404 Northern Pacific land grants. Joint Resolution Amending the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution directing the Secretary of the Interior to withhold his approval of i the adjustment of the Northern Pacific land grants, and for other purposes} approved June 5, 1924, and for other purposes. March 3, 1927 ..... - -...............,..--. 1405