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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/48

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S SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cue. 22-25. 1926. "An~Act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians in the State o.faMinneaota;” and to make therefrom a per capita pay- ment or distribution o $50 to each enrolled member of the tribe, A under such rules and regulations as the said Secretary mady pre- ,,,§:,'§g,,,, ,,,,,,,,,_ scribe: Prowkied, That before any pjyment is made hereun er the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota sh , in such manner as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, ratify the provisions ,,§f’”’°°‘ ‘° “° “°°· of this Act and accept same: Provided further, That the money paid ‘ to the Indians as authorized herein shall not be subject to any lien or claim or attorneys or other parties. Approved, February 19, 1926. r°b°i°%°i?m°°` AnAtT S · · can a

 . .—- c 0 amend section 95 of the Judicial e, as amen ed.

g r Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the giuxdnigephixxii United States of America in Congress assembled, That the second ‘“°““ ‘”""°" sentence of ggpltion 95 of the Judicial Code, as amended, is amended to read as ` owe: 0 _ $%,‘§{‘?;§7“f‘,g,,,,,,d. " Terms of the district court shall held at Concord on the last °d· Tuesday in April, the first Tuesday in September, and the second Tuesday in December; and at Litt eton on the second Tuesday in October? — v_ _ 9 Approved, February 20, 1926. __ Fl '411?m° CHAP. 24.——Joint Resolution Providing for the filling of a proximate vacancy

5Yl€l` gi! theacliuoarpcpf Regents of the Smithsonian Institution of the class other than

em, jo i , ongress. p ,,,,,,,,,,,, . ,_ Reootved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

    • %*25; mmmkfmz, United States of America in Uongrese assembled, That the vacancy

gimmpir. om»•a,;»., me Board of £•;age1¥t.sCgf the Splithsoxplan Instgutiolp pg iilggglsass ‘ r it , o ngress at wi occur arc ‘ y reason o£»th•.etpi.ration of the term of Charles F. Choate,gu1iior, ef Masnohusatts, be Hllgd by the reappointment of the said harles F. Choate fort e ensuing term.

 {Febiuary/24, 1926.,, ~ _
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 HAP, .— a Gra th consent {Co toth b d {

l1!db1i§,N0. iis.} ¥h;;mg Li¤1:pi?€;ipp·i, eonsgmct ggrlgihge aegouodsrhetdltildgicrd V€T,l1 e o W", 5 p p p I Ch kt R, Be dena¤ted.by.'the Senate and House of Representatives of the ciiiirii dgiimy, United States of America in Congress assembled,.That the consent §§*§;;,,,{,“,§,§_ b""’°· of Congress is hereby granted to e b0a1·d»of,su{perv1sors of,.Clarke County Mississip i, to construct, maintain, an operate a br1d%e and approaches tlibreto across the Chunké River at a point suitab e Commmg to the Sscif navigation gt or nearh pxterprise, C ark; Cgiurgty,

  • 0. , J State 0 iesiippi in accor ance wit te provisions o t e ct

x 2 M NM entitled "“An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over A mm navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906. _ _ m°° ' Sac. 2. The ight to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expre®y reserv . . Approved, February 25, 1926. A