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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/47

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SIXTI`Y»NIN’1`H MDONGBESS. ¤Si¤’d.< 'i1B42&`['IWH: uiccvdend with¢»th•'!A¤e(Jo¢»Gle¤gr¤•` ` j~"én&t1ed§‘“Ag Abtjvté ¤¤¤·¤¤·¤¤¤» gzrccnetructieu hwe1iuavigsblmyv•tu¤j?¤1;iprbre& rah: V°°‘“’°'“ htmmxi Ii`- '3=»eZ;;;*,¤·;} Qwllwi i· ,€*»;¤·¤ Ai " Yi ti ;»i’S nil‘,·$1¤s`°I(* M? X é$e¤e.@;,,'D1¤¤•M1m xtightpto atm, m¤m1,=¤¤ ¤hayzAc¢»g$4,,?;,, _ ·•.··»·¤¤»·¤, J a ’*’ ··‘ J;T"mK ' wg jlf —,·*~: •<· »,?·;n_» . •¤ ·~h‘x 195*51;* I , , . ,_,,_'

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Be it»esu¤cted1b%the··Sehute and Homme} b;;~¢k• Ijmn ,,·’*‘”*"" ‘ United S¢am“bf· zmun www ¤e0¤¤g»e»a»—a¤mby;E»L;¤ud;¤¤ e&mtbT5i·k· · e ‘¤•»¤¤r&¤¤ @’°£»°°.."?°°"‘ the commissioners of ' co1n¤1Pm·§, successors and ass1gus,tocouetrn1ct,»¤gnt¤,1;r¥; suitable to the interests of `navigetio a r1 and npproeé es thereto across that glrtion o·fr!1ke··§ichig•n opposite the ¢¤¢¤¤¤¤e,_te,Chi¤•s¤r ,.`v¤r lilineie inthe qty , , i wr <>f ehenceme An cate team, _,a__9,hf1€ig¢g over new wete (" appro _ Merch 23, 1908. V I I `°(tSDO£ 2;* ‘ tQ@e,x·!;Ebt to-~a!$•t·§ Aetés hereby _ ,

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· } . ;C z ‘?~— ri ¤J" *`.?i ·i ·<Y Y `·:/*3 eil; #57,, Be it enacted by·the.»S'ena$e am¢Hou•c of Rephianldiba of the ” United States of America in Uongreaa assembled ¤(&°£°¤.," I°°i°"°f of the Interior be, and he is hereby,,jg¤4zh01·iza<i_,tn.nvi1ihdr•w from ,,,,1: °""“ ,,,’,§$°€§ the Treasm!3 of the United States so muchea maglube necung of vfwwm - the rincip fund on deposit to the credit of the ` we In `ans v°l`”'°`°“` in tie State of Minnesota, erisi under section 7 idgcthe Act of January 14, 1889 (Twentyiifthngtatutes at Large, 642), entitled