758 SIX'1`Y·NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cue. 638, 6454347. 1926. northwest quarter, northeast quarter, south half section 28; all section 30; north. half, north half, southwest quarter, southeast uarter southwesttquarter, northwest quarter southeast quarter section 34,
'liorth, range 4 e•§Salt. Lake meridianr ‘
,,§,‘,’{,‘f ""'*‘ ”°"" Sao.? The oonveganee he y authorized shall not include any lan& *whid:,‘at tho ate of the issuance of puatent, shall be covered PMN by a v\lid’¢existing**bona t or claim 'tiated under the laws Mlneralldevcdurv of th¢’United States: P ' ,That there diall be reserved to the "’"°°‘ United and otgephc mineral deposits their may be C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ _ on t so an ri t to prospect , mine, and remove the nmet’ farther, qlhat said city shall have the rig: to exchanqi any of said lands for other lands in the water· shed, __ shall not ave the right to sell or convey the land herein mmm M M,. grintedyor any gut thereof, or to devote the same to any other “'°'· pur? than as ereiubefore described; and if the said land shall not used for such municipal purpose the same, or such parts thereof not so used, shall revert to the United States. The condi- tions and reservations herein provided for shall be expremed in the patent. ‘ Approved, June 21, 1926. I¤ne22.1¤¤. ` ‘
UIL!. 646,.-—An Ant To change the time of holding oourt at Elizabeth City,
{Y°°“°·N°-*°& andat Wilson, North Carolina. Be dl A the Senate and House 0 Re eeentativee of the
'Siiztea 0?yAmerica/in Ucmgreee aajembgzl, That hereafter
_dY°L°·’·°°*•’·“'°°"‘ terms of the District Court for the Eastern District of North x'1‘¢¤¤ ¤¢Ci¤¤<¤1_•; shall be held at Elizabeth City on the first Monday in when U Apflliand the second Monday in October and at Wilson on the P""·"· "’°· second Monday in April and the first Monday in October in lieu of dates now fixed for the holding of such terms. Approved, June 22, 1926.
OIL!. 640.-An Act To change the time of holding court at Raleigh, North
{ru¤ie,z~z¤. ml Carolina. Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouae of Régeeentatives of the N¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*·· United `Statee of America in O eas asaemb , That section 98
of_`l‘An Act to codify revise, and amend the laws relating to the
°"· ridlciary "‘ a proved March 3, 1911, as amended June 7, 1924, is ~$xuE*md¤•i*¢`:··*: erehy as follows: °"}·1¤u°?:`i¤s. That the words t“ and in addition for the trial of civil ewes on the_ drst‘Mondays in March and September” be stricken out and the following inserted in lipu thereof: " and in addition for the trial of civil a two w term beginning on the first Monday in Septem .’ ‘ Approved, June 22, 1926. June 22, 1086. A ‘ ‘ {H· B- 7W-1 CIA?. 647.-·-An Act To provide home care for dependent children in the [reuse, Na oo.; District or Golnmbla. y Be d enacted by the Senate and Home of Reizreaentatioea of the §_§"’*r,¤°*,,,°‘¤ * United States of America in Congress aasembp ed, That whenever ` the parent of a child under the afdof sixteen years is unable to provide for the propler care of such c ' d in his own home, the mother or of suc child may make application to the board of