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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/799

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. ‘ SIXTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sims. I. Cn. 647. 1928. V 759

 welfare of the Districtof Columbia, hereimxfter called the m;gg“g;"&¤w§,g

for the benefits conferred by this Act which phcatiem mm shall referred to a standing subcommittee of the at least 2.;'$'.,Y"Y°'°°"*`°"° one of whom shall be a woman: Provided, That such a plieant has *’* ¤·“· been a_b0¤a Sdmresirlent of the District of Columbia For one year ud ue.

 such   and thatzshe isa citimxrod the United "°°u"°°""°"'°'“

tes or has m e~applioation.to‘become a citixen. ’ Sno. 9. The board shall. thereupon make an investigation tor the b_§;,,"’°•’“°" "’ °’° purpose ofsecuring the following information: A - ' a. Whether. themother or guardian is a proper person to have the M *° ”'°*""’· · custod sandtcareof, the child. g b. Whether the home is a satisfactory place for the training and Hm °°°‘”°°°· reariréghof the child.;· » · my _“u_me N c. at resources 1Dd?'ib8 availahle for the complete or partial mms, maintenance of the ch` , includingethe full amount,;if·¤1y,iof real anddpersonal property owned by parent or held. in trust for the chil; whether. there are any persons or organizations legally obli- gated to amist in the support of the child. — . ·» . d. Whether legal steps have been taken to comgpl the fathcrnqf the b,P'°,,,{,’,':f’“'°' ‘°"’°"‘ child, if he be living, to provide support when e willfully refuses to do so and with what result. ° e. What amount of aid is neededto keep the child in its own ,,{‘,”{‘,f"{{';*,,,§'.‘j,‘,°°° '°’ home and to provide prgper care. a Sac:. 3{The board sh 1 make written findin?S6l;ased upon its;,,#°,':',;,'°{,,'”°°,,,§§’{,1’,§ investigations. If it shall find ailirmatively on su tions a, b, and °'*“° *“*°'¤°· d of section 2, and further that the income from, `or the amount of,-real and personal property owned by the parent or held in trust for the child, if anK,.·is not of an amount or character which makes the giving of puh Yc aid inappropriate or unnecessary, the board may then make an order for a monthly allowance suhicient to inmre the proper maintenance of the chi d in the home widn the cmmmt mother and, if it deems necessary, mag impose such conditions upon the anting of the allowance as wi promote the welfare of the Dm H d H chili? The allowance shall be discontinued whenever the mother m¤•¤¤°Z°sJli`i.•i- ceases to be a resident of the District of Columbia. . » · mo, mw Sac. 4. The board may award an allowance from `month to month ui-. °°°°°’ or for a continuous period. It shallreview all allowances at regu- lar intervals andsin no case shall an allowance be continued or more than six months without such review., Any allowance may be increased or decreased in amount, or discontinued, and the board may alter or amend the conditions ugn whichthe allowance was previouslygranted upon a showing at the welfare of the child and the protection of the public interest demands such change, discontinuance, or amendment after reasonable notice hasbeen given tothemctherofthechild. I _ Sno. 5. The board shall cause every heme for which an allowance _X,Q';,'·;·°$,°;`,,gdf°P‘* is made to be visited by its representative as often as may be necessary to observe the conditions which obtain in theihonie, the care which the child is receiving, and to oder such friendly counsel and advice as may be heliful to the mother and the child. ‘ um Sno; 6. The board shall eep on file a full record of each applicant lm"` for, or recipient of, assistance under this Act, including the reports of investwtions, `correspondence and other pertinent information, tcgicher tlrthecrderscftheboardineach cases _ A V , . 7. The board shall make such reasonable rules and regulations °*°·· ‘° "° as may be necwry to the proper administration of this Act. Sno. 8. Any person who attempts to obtain, or obtains, b false repgesentations, fraud, deceit; any allowance under this- Act, or . w receives any allowanceknowing it to have been fraudulently obtained, or who aids or assists any person in obtaining or attem t- ing to obtain an allowance by fraud, shall be punished by a=ti¥i1e