768 SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cris. 668, 669, 674. 1926. of o$eers and civilian employees as may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy. Approved, June 24, 1926. Ju¤c34 192c. - . ° . HAP. .— ' r permanent withdrawal of Mama- —— C% logo Inlanc?§theA(!dolii(ii1lil`§ Eigggicliirfghemuge of the Yakima Indians and Con- federated Tribes as a burial ground. Be it enacted b the Senate and Home of Representatives of the o£[fm°1°°°° m°°d' United States of in Uemgresa mumbled, That Mcmaloose ,,,,Y},‘§,§,§;{§, Qjuf Island in the Columbia River, described as lot 2 of section 16 town- ¤y,¤.hg¤¤·» 1¤<ii¤¤¤» ship 2 north, range 14 east of the Willamette meridian in Cregon, °° be, and is hereby, withdrawn from entry, sale, or other disposition P,,,,,,,,_ and set aside for the use of the Yakima Indians and Confederated ,I_g;,¤;¤. ¤¤¤·,_¤rVi<g Tribes as a burial ground:~Pro»vzded, Thatthe grave and monu- mrbed. °° °° ment of Victor Trevitt on said island shall remain undisturbed. Approved, June 24, 1926. Q June 26,19%.
·m1·] CHAP. 674.-—An Act Au horiz investigatio b the Secrets of the
Pu °· “*· Interior and the Secretary of jointly to deutzrmjine the locatioig extent, and mode of occurrence of potasb. deposits in the United States, and to conduct laboratory tests. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re eeentatirves of the romnasptuu. United States of America in Oongreea assemgilzd, That there is ,,;* °",§ hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any moneys in the ¤¤;.¤¤¤..¤¢,m Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $100,000 for the °"°'"` ’m°“ fiscal ear ending June , 1927, and a similar amount for each
iiscal year for four Syears, to be expended as may be
mutually agreed upon by the ecretary of the Interior and the Secretary o Commerce for the purpose of determining the location, extent, and mode of occurrence o potash deposits in the United States and conducting the necessary laboratory tests incident thereto. ,0g1>,¤•¤¢¤¤¤,*;¤w<};·h{ Sno. 2. The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of mamausa, sw. Commerce jointly are hereby authorized within their discretion, to “"°“*’· “"“· cooperate under formal agreement with individuals, associations, co rations States, municipalities, educational institutions, or other P~•¤•~. wi h boiggs, furthe purposes of this Act: Promlted, That before under- .,C,°.°#'_,°°0;°;.¤d$.s§¢"L.*ZQ taking opgratious upon an&ctract or traets of land the °°“*”*°°"*”"*'*“*”‘· Secretary of e terior an the rotary of Commerce jointly, shall enter into a contract or contracts with the owners or lessees, or couaiuw. both, of the mineral rights therein, which contract shall provide, among other things, that not more than the actual cost of the exploration shall constitute a preferred claim in favor of the United ,,;f,’,,‘§,°§,‘f_ °’ °°°“ °' States and its cooperators against aay minerals developed; and the aforesaid contract or contracts sh provide that the owners or' lessees, or both, of said lands and/or mineral rights within the radius hereinafter mentioned, shall pay to the Government and its coopera- tors han amount equal to the actual costs of said explorations, said payments to_be made at such time or times, in such manner, and in such roportions as said Secretaries in their discretion, deter- d,§,§’,,§°f’,§,`§,§{,‘§f‘,'§§f minelio be_ uitable: Provided further, hat such contract shall not restrict the ry of the Interiorand the Secretary of Commerce jointly in the choice of drilling locations within the pro rt or in °°"°“*°““‘ the conductof the exploratory operations, so long as sucgesefections or conduct do notinterferei unreasonably with the use of the surface of the land or. with the improvements thereon, and such contract shall pl'0V1d6 that the United States and its cooperators shall not