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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/807

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( ¢· sixrvcnwm ooncasss. sms 51:* cu. ess. deze? < 767 uP V 2.·1That horeafterowhen theisterm “aviation *pilot’° infused ‘,‘,A**·¤¤, ¤ '¤¤*~" in eh Act or any other Act it shall mean any~enlisted· man in the °F°m` Navy or Marine Corps who has successfully edmpleted»the·tcqurse

tfgr aviation tgélots and who   or may hetrleafter

` or a ` awaviatiemi p` 0 comygtent au orit and,w§ has _llowIrif:)l:>1ne in a heavier-thanyailr cra I not less

 h0¤1l$ 4¤d“§rh6 h8$;HOWl1__1¤. heavier—than¤air’craft a

total of not less than two hundred hours; E; , · i r V The term ‘;1pil0t" shall be construed to mean a_ naval aviator or an aviationrg ot; tr‘· » ·- `A c 1 ‘ *_ 1 * _ °° ··Pan.—B; at‘hereafter* when the term “·naval aviation observer " "N'§X“ *“?‘*“°” °** is Act or an§Iother»_Act‘it shall mean any °%¤¤1¤g¤1 term. orwarrant omoer in the: svy or Marlne·Corps who as successfully b ` Q completed thecourse ’ rescribed by competent authority as anaval aviation observer andywho has been. in~ the air not less than hundred hoursiund “wh·a_ has‘been·.0r hcreafbenbe; designated or a§yointed as a naval aviation observer y competentauthority in the a . ‘ . » e t ·. _ i » Pmvi That hereafter when a line oilicer of the Navy is to be _’I[${},§‘§'$,;,,,€,,,_, detailed to the command of ·a·Navy·- aviation school or of a Navy ¢¤ ¥>¤¤>=¤¤¤·¤d¤d by- air station or of a Navy air, unit organized for flight purposes he shall‘?t$e"§`navalraviator; Q' __ at “ `,, ‘ -. Am A Pan, 5L»I.tine,oHicers detailed to command of aircraft carriers or ,,b,,,m§?T °' ""“’°°" aircraft tenders shall be naval aviators or naval aviation observers b°‘{{“*;1*1;f·g*dB*g¤{)<;,¤ *¤ wi? “’%°i·*t°‘"i“° "¥t“m°‘¥a N 1 o s` t it 1 ‘ i

 . at an 0 cer`o _ e BVY, ine, or sta `0 `t 6 `, rmalieut “"°°"·‘°“‘°‘°°'“j

rank or grade ofycornmahder or lieutenant_cp1i1mander, altethe time ¤;1¤$¤»¤e°diiwm»»e;- of the passageof this Act who has in taviationrfor such a period of time as to jeopardize 's selection for ,promotion_ or *‘°‘“¤•'**°*°¤· advancement to the next lngherlgrade .or rank under existing ` ro- visions of law and whose service 1n aviation has bxn in, the pghlic interest shall be scnotihed by the Secretary of L We ,Navy,and at his own request be designated as ollicer who.yvill3be_i carried as an additional numberin e next higheiégradei or rank not above the grade of captain if and when promo or advanced thereto: Pro- 'TC,§’°d;m,m by W vided, That selection boards in of such `ohicerslshall confine ¤•¤¤¤¤¤¤•r¤e theirconsideration to the fitness nous of such otlicerst for promotion, not to the comparative fitness of such oiicers, K T ‘ A v` p , _ ~ Pan 7. That hereafter when a line oillcerof the,Marine C0` js ,,§{"’“° °°'*’“ ¥"" to be detailed to the command of a Marine Corps aviation slhhool Dwwmmwmmnd or of a Marine Corps air station or of at Marine, Corps, airunit ' organized for {slight tactical purposes he shall be a Marine Corps aviator; ` A ` v Pax. 8. On and after Jul 1 1928, the numberlofenlisted ilots N“‘“*’°‘ }" °§‘“{·‘°°" in the Navy shall not be lessythiin 30 per centum of the total nulinber mm me my ' m` of pilotsemployed in the Navy on aviation duty., ` P ' sacrxox 4 ` To aid the Secretary of the Navy in fosteringfnaval aeronautics, n»A°ri$·’y¥°s°m°"d and to perform such functions as the may direct, therei,,,,<},,",2,"‘{’,§‘{,’;,§‘;,‘{,‘},$,’§_,* shall be an additional‘Assiatant·’Secret•:;i?‘of t e Navy, who shall ¤•¤>¤·¤¤¤~ be appointed by the Pi·esident,>by, and the the advice and éognsent of e Senate,iand whos, compensation shall be in Dutm with thc Classification Act of 923. _ He shall ,under’{the_direct1on’of the ’Secs·etary>of the Nag, be charged with the of naval aeronautics and the coo 'nation to tits activities with other govern- mentak agencies and, in* addition, such other auaesms may be Pmmd M hu M_ assigned to him by the Secretary of the 'Navy. There shal be me. detailed to his odice from the Bureau of Aeronautics such number