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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1153

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PBOCLAMATIONS, ms.) _ 2579 the cenion of thellussisur possessions in NerthAmerics te·the;U¤§ted S“‘?;€°§¢“¤¤.,..“‘°°‘“°§Z‘¤1“‘““°2l‘ &"i‘?.$}‘££’; ?k°.e..k.’* °'“"’“"°‘“”"°' In f · J _ , Q -v* 4 .— l‘he,—withdra·w·•l for forest·pu:poses madeyoby this ,,,’§',*g'd_*°•“”*”“°°‘ lanxotaon eh•l1,»•s,to,ell lands whicliteremt this dstepxlly appro- suec on nom eresn or, ,_ ~ i E§“°%‘* “1'°&’ ‘“3"Z‘£l’}1‘°“2"”*e`{¢'“'”’t7£'°‘Ti€i’°;‘? ..,».i.·°°"“"°“°’uI..i¤. such ahpmprietien, nor prevent the use for such pu 'c purpose of landscio lou; as islagaily maintained, ersu rescvai $01} . ,‘ — And I do also reclaim that under the authority conferred upon me ,°§gj;"’“°” ‘°' by the ect of 25, 1_91.0;(38 Ste.tL,_847), ·vs.¤¤.pi>I.l$?`

ikt1•d,_"An‘ Aztls ofautlalpzekzhtalfresndentpof the United States to

em w o u ca ;m i -oases*’,·>as August 24 1912 (37 Stat., 497) the tract lying within therfellowmgi "°‘·"’· ’·‘°'· described excluded fiom the To National Forest by this pmclsmstion istlieeeby witgpudrawn fag urposes, exeep meaty nity y i e Along o &l’•d!Il’$1QIlLl. between the Umted.Stetss and (lgnadaz — e Begmmng at cogner,No. 2 ell}: Br No, 686, nunxwu. mmm °°°“!i}’.;¤"§‘;'.2'.‘.i‘°'...t.r’ “?‘°°.¤Q°`*?.3.;‘i2"*»0.i¤.i’°““”"‘5..,{°i(. i£°%""Z& sou .·.—;,e e meanehigh tide on BG'$llI1dycIDl1_,» H1encesoutherybl;y»¤1e¤¤dors along lme of mean high tndeen sud ouial to comes 0·,7’0f.B81d. survey No. 686 thence tester]? said survey 273vfeet ,t0`e0r¤e1· and thereofktlnence north fo owmglthe line of said feet eplaoeo ' ` ,oontainmg` ,.60?ao1·¤s,mo1·eer _; And I md tlmt pursuant to,d'§,°‘F,,‘;‘;'§#',$ Puhlie Resolution llc. 29 of February ,14,»1920+.(41 434), as *;;_¤;¤g*¤• W¤·¤ amended by Resolutions Nes.;36,and 9,appmved,Jm¤ar,y 21, and v¤i.°ii E va. Decembar 28; 1922 gespsctayely {(42,<Stst.·, 3118, 1967), it as hereby "·"“"{‘·‘°"'· a‘*°"" ,,.,1;.,***** &°.£1‘f’%‘;‘.}‘“"‘*‘*mf.‘i""‘*"§";s"‘*‘“ ¤.w.s,"°‘* "°°°‘;i".‘i’f°»‘i§ epgned.¤¥;t¤ s¤_ the,appB¤•blo 5. residence by qu•Ed¤e;-g¤vJ¢e1t9m·~9f` !f$l‘~F1$h;'mg¤y,

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ub11c. ESub;¤quent to the   . h» _) ;;p13q1g,,$0,·%h¤

?hts may be themstpred by advance mw or o except strictly mmcerdanee ’¢ . ‘ In tness, r , I h•ve.hereunto.set my caused the ‘°‘£§‘ "&?h“*‘&' S*:§°%*°.,1L°¤,¤..‘““";‘i;.. md.) ol.] i · I ne e s , l ,° a1 e . c ` of our Erd one thousand nine hunrged I»Du3et$6ItZ£;·%:;f [sun] and of the dence of the United States of America, I theonehun andforty-ninth. C ,- V By the President: 4 MNH umm Fnarx B Kumee, Secretary of Br mm 'Pnnsmmrr or rmi ,Um·mn Srnns or Annexes. · _L·2.%1•J; A PROCLAMATION. _ WHEREA.SThSec:e fAgncu1' t ,b ° fth h' ,,"°‘°°“°“°'”*‘*”‘ my vested in him J, ..,.¤£{’£§m° of theurM€igrslrt¢;r1r_lytll;’ir(Zi T$$ XZ; ‘ ¢»¥»·‘f"··‘i‘a».-.