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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1154

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2580 _ PROCLAMATIONS, 1925. (408ut. 755) ih bmittedto f Bl'¥I.N t'onfurth v°"°°"‘"°“‘ arnendathri oi tgepuregulations Ifgpsdvzldphond July 3(-if 1918 whic _the·—Secretary_of Agmgulture has-determined to be a suitable amend ataou1 permittmg and governing the hunting, ““”‘* °"".,M°.g.’tl &P°“{0°I1“3?’Z?i°t£°sZ§°’pm`i°h"”Z§“.$$0ir*J.°é portatxon, ` o " , an ‘ s 4 theirnests and eggs, as fo ows: _ A _) °°“'°°”°"‘ SEASONS ON AND POSSESSION F Q _ GAME BIRDS. .,.l’.‘:.‘·.l..£’* ir ”“* J ineg¤ise¤¤_ ai,-su1»seq~··wars1»rew1 (dyceptwood dugg, sms; desks, ~i*“ “°°°“ “”°’ m;":;?;“2.;s°3°&,s%‘{’,”,2‘.$?·;,°?.$ll,Y,’l“°“ ‘*‘“*’° °' ’°*"““‘P° e ‘“ w°°°"°'1’°°°' aiderdwwks, mu1swims)‘,coot,ga11inuke ¢md¥·W —1s·•wpe-_or‘_yac?tani’pz.——The open seasonse,for_ waterfowl (except lpwans), coot, gallmules, and Wilsonsm orac s * asoows: . ·~ V ugmeompmm mma- vlnz Newk;I , liiilerxxllpglt, Mv:_ssachusetf§ili1?h§0, {Eat nrginia, entuce, ’ana,· o an, xsconsm o1s,‘ - esota Io ·· North D k ta, So th Dakota Nebraska, llzansas Ch?)orado,jWyoining,s Monataga, Neirlada and thatportion of Washington lmimt of-the summit of the Cascade Mountains the*o§nseasonV befromSepyte1nber16toDecomber31;a In Spxoept Lpng Island) the open season shall be from Scgn Rlmdeilsland, Connecticut Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, New Mexico California, Idaho, Oregon and that port1on· of Wash- .- west of the summit of the Cascade Mountains the open _ seassu jbe from October 1,to January'15; re·» · _· a ‘ J In thaézaportion ofv_New» as Lo?grIslan•il,_and m Ne: _ aw a" a `port1_ ono exas ymg an siilikixbr me ?of’the* Intemationalpaud cme Northern Raanlread Laredoto San Antomo~_Austi‘n, and Long- viewwsnd the •Te*kas and Pacific-Railroad extenchnggrom Longview to the shall from October s$“m”¢s,¤“"‘“ irlaiiiiodliaeorgnae]?i§ml?ie:§dO0I.i11mf>)i:r$av Np)it`l}rmCmmmeeHn“’ In · 8} V } Arkansas, Louisiana and that portion of Texas lyingpeast and south of the man; tracks of the Ingéalrnylonal anil Great Ngrihgem exten` romj sto V tonio, ustin,an ngv1ew,an the T(di:·f=and Pacific Railroad exten m Longview to Marshall and 'Iegarkana the open season shall be November 1 to January Inailaska theopen season shall be from September 1 to December 15. ’ ` ` * ~ ‘ r REGULATION 4.—OPEN SEASONS ON AND POSSESSION ‘ ‘ OF CERTAIN MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS. Regulation 4, sub—title "Black-bellied and golden plovers and grfiater and lesser yellowlegs" is hereby amended so as to read as o ows: . “°'°"·°‘° Black-bellwhd ml olden lover nd eater and lesser ydlowlegs.- Pmum The open seaso‘i1sr'fi]>r·blac£·bel1ii,etl anglr golden plovers and greater and lower yellowlegs shall be as follows: ¤G¤¤¤¤¤>¤*¤¤¤ ¤¤¤*'=¤· In Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts Rhode Island, Cop- °°°' necticut, NewYork New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Vlfgmla the open season shall be from August 16 to- November 30: