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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1716

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1665 The sums of $308,036 and $39,500, appropriated for technical Air Corps. Technical construe- construction for Air Corps, Army, in the War Department Appro- Lion at designated priation Act for the fiscal year 192 9, are hereby made available bu ild in gs, .etc, for expenditure for improvement of landing field at Self ridge Field, Michigan, $125,000, and Shreveport, Louisiana, $50,000 ; school bui ldin g, $ 100, 000, and non comm issi oned off icer s' q uart ers, $42 ,000 , at Maxwell Field, Alabama ; moving and reerecting technical build- ing s, $15,0 00, at Boston Air Port, East Boston, Massachusetts ; Night Flying Lighting System, $3,775, and runways, $10,775, at Fort Crockett, Texas ; authorized in the Act entitled "An Act to authorize appropriations for construction at military posts, and for other purposes," approved February 25, 1929 . ENGINEER D EPARTMENT Transportation atlas : Not to exceed $4,722 of the appropriation "Regular supplies of the Army, 1929," is hereby made available for use in completing a transportation atlas of the United States . For the payment of obligations incurred by the Air Corps of the Army for the production and purchase of new airplanes and their equipment, spare parts, and accessories, under the contract authoriza- tion contained in the War Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1929, $3,250,000. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Ammunition storage facilities, Army : To continue the provision of ammunition storage facilities in accordance with the primary recommendations contained in House Document Numbered 199, Sev- entieth Congress, as modified by the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat., p . 928), including not to exceed $80,000 for the purchase of land, $1,050,403, fiscal years 1929 and 1930 : Provided, That the unexpended balance of the appro- priation for "Ammunition storage facilities, Army," contained in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, is hereby continued and made available until June 30, 1930. BUREAU OF INSULAR AFFAIRS Pay Military Academy : For cadets, fiscal year 1929, $35,918 . Maintenance : For an additional amount for " Maintenance, United States Military Academy," including the same objects specified under this head in the War Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1929, $13,189 . NATIONAL GUARD Armory drill pay : For an additional amount for pay of the Armory drill pay . National Guard (armory drills), fiscal year 1929, $675,000 . Acquisition of land at Nevada, Missouri : For the acquisition of Nevada, Mo . Additio n to Camp approximately 640 acres of land at Nevada, Missouri, as authorized Clark . by the Act approved December 8, 1928, fiscal years 1929 and 193 0, Ante, p.1018. $70,000 . Ante, p. 1305. Engineer Depart- ment. Transportation atlas . AIR CORPS, AR MY

Air Corps . New airplanes . Ordnance Depa rt- ment . Ammunition storage facilities . Ante, p . 928, Proviso . Balance available . Insular Affair s Bureau . Care of insane Fili- pino soldiers . Vol 35, p.122. U.S. Code, p. 681. Care of insane Filipino soldiers : For care, maintenance, and treat- ment at asylums in the Philippine Islands of insane natives of the Philippine Islands, conformable to the Act of Congress approved May 11, 1908 (U. S. C., p. 681, sec. 198) fiscal year 1928, $2 .60. MILITARY ACADEMY

Milit ary Aca demy . Cadets. Maintenance . Natio nal Gua rd .