QUARTERMASTER CORPS Kitty Hawk Monu - ment, and Fredericks- Any unexpended balances under the appropriations " Monument, burg Mee moriaffable . Kill Devil Hill, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, 1929," and " Fred- Ante, pp.38,357. ericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battle Fields Memorial, 19 28 and 1929," are continued and made available during the fiscal year 1930 for the same respective purposes . Government ro ad, Rossville, ( a., to
Government road, Rossville, G eorgia , to C hickam auga and Ch at- Chattanooga Park . tanooga National Military Park : For carrying out the provisions Ante, p.1305 . of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the paving of the Gov- ernment road, known as the Dry Valley Road, commencing where said road leaves the La Fay ette Road, in the city of Ross vil le, Georgia, and extending to Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, constituting an approach road to said park," approved February 25, 1929, fiscal years 1929 and 1930, $60,000, to be subject to the terms and conditions of acceptance of title and maintenance as set forth in said Act . Virginia D are Me- morial
u .
The unexpe nded b alanc e unde r the approp riati on Memorial to Balance available . Virginia Dare, 1927-1929," is continued and made available un til Vol.44,p. 877.
June 30, 1930. Fo rt Donelson, Na- tional Park, Tenn . Fort Donelson National Military Park : For every expenditure Est ablis hmen t of . requisite for or incident to the establishment of a national military Ante, p. 368.
park at the battle field of Fort Donelson, Tennessee, in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved March 26, 1928 (45 Stat ., pp. 367-369), including mileage to officers and traveling expenses Unexpended balance of the commission and their assistants, fiscal years 1929 and 1930, available .
$45,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation Ante, p. 929.
under this head in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, Lititz, Pa .
approved May 29, 1928 . . Memoria l to mark Memorial at Lititz, Pennsylvania : For every expenditure requisite burial place of Revolu- for or incident to the erection of a tablet or marker at Lititz Penn- tionary soldiers wound- ed at.
Sylvania, in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved May An te, p. ro. Brices Cross Roads ., 23 > 1928 (45 Stat., p . 718), fiscal years 1929 and 1930, $2,500 . and Tupelo, Ma st t1e Battle fields of Brices Cross Roads and Tupelo, Mississippi : For fie lds .
the p urpose of car rying out the provisions of Public Law N umbered Ante, p . 1254. 792, approved February 21, 1929, to provide for the inspection of the batt le fiel d of B rices C ross Ro ads, M ississi ppi, an d the battle field o f Tupelo or Harrissbur g, Mississippi , fiscal years 1929 and 1930, $10,000. Lee Mansion, Arias- ton, Va.
Restoration of Lee mansion : For continuing the restoration of the Restoration, etc., of. Lee mansion, Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, and the pro- curemen t, including gifts, of arti cles of furni ture and equip ment -which were formerly in use in such mansion, or replicas thereof, or other furniture and equipment of the period, in accordance with the Vol . 43, p .1356' provisions of the Act approved March 4, 1925 (43 Stat., p : 1356), Subject to approval $90 000 to remain av ailable until expended . Such restoration and of Fine Ar ts Commis-
7 sion .
the articles so procured to be subject to the approval of the Commission on Fine Arts . Fort Defiance, •Me- Historical museum, Fort Defiance, Ohio : For every expenditure moria l Mu seum at.
requisite for or incident to the erection of a public historical museum Ante, p. 1609. on the site of Fort Defiance, Ohio, in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat., p . 1009), fiscal years 1929 and 1930, $25,000. Memorial . Lincoln Birthplace Lincoln Birthplace Memorial : For construction, repairs, and Ante, p . 1162.
impr ovemen ts at the b irthpl ace of Abrah am Li ncoln, fiscal years 1929 and 1930, $80,000 .