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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1719

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SEVENTIET H C ONG RES S . SEss . II. CH. 707. 1929 . Clothing. Clothing : For clothing for all branches, labor, materials, machines, tools, and appliances employed and for use in the tailor shops and shoe shops, or other home shops in which any kind of clothing is made or repa ired, fiscal year 1929, $45,000 ; Total, general support, $736,600 . Bath, N. Y.

Bath Home Bath, New York : For current expenses, subsistence, Camp at, leased to


>VolunteerHomeMan- household, hospital, transportation, repairs, and farm, including the agers. same objects specified under each of such heads for the Central Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in the Act making appropriations for the War Department for the fiscal year 1929, for the camp for veterans at Bath, New York, leased by the S tate o f New York to the Board of Ge neral Manag ers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, $500,000, fiscal year 1929, and to remain available until June 30, 1930 . service is29e1d Increased compensation : For additional amounts for personal servi ces un der th e app ropria tions "Natio nal H ome fo r Disa bled Volunteer Soldiers, clothing, 1 92 9 ," and "National Home for Dis- abled Volunteer Soldiers, salaries and incidental expenses, 1929," and under the appropriations for current expenses, subsistence, household, hospital, repairs, and farm, including the same objects respectively specified under each of such heads for the Central Branch in the Act making appropriations for the War Department for th e fisca l year 1929 , to enable the board of managers to a djust the compensation of officers and employees of the home, other than member employees, to correspond as nearly as may be practicable Ante, p. 776.

with the rates of compensation authorized by the Act of May 28, 1928 (45 Stat., pp . 776-785), for positions in other field services Dayton, Ohio. Central Branch, Dayton, Ohio : Current expenses, $5,200 ; subsist- ence , $7,500 ; household, $8,300 ; hospital, $43,000 ; repairs, $6,0 00 ; farm, $4,000 ; in all, $74,000 ; Milwaukee, Wis. Northwestern Branch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin : Current expenses, $5,000 ; subsistence, $1,300 ; household, $5,500 ; hospital, $45,000 ; repairs, $3,300 ; farm, $1,600 ; in all, $61,700 ; Togas, Me. Eastern Branch, Togus, Maine : Current expenses, $4,500 ; subsist- ence, $3,800 ; household, $3,500 ; hospital, $12,300 ; repairs, $3,000 ; farm, $1,600 ; in all, $28,700 ; Hampton, Va . Southern Branch, Hampton, Virginia : Current expenses, $5,500 ; subsistence, $5,300 ; household, $3,600 ; hospital, $27,600 ; repairs, $5,600 ; farm, $2,500 ; in all, $50,100 ; Leavenworth, Bans . Western Branch, Leavenworth, Kansas : Current expenses, $5,800 ; subsistence, $4,000 ; household, $6,6 00 ; hospital, $23,000 ; repairs, $600 ; farm, $1,600 ; in all, $41,600 ; Santa Monica, Calif. Pacific Branch, Santa Monica, California : Current expenses, $4,300 ; subsistence, $1,300 ; household, $7,300 ; hospital, $45,000 ; repairs, $4,000 ; farm, $2,500 ; in all, $64,400 ; Marion, Ind. Marion Branch, Marion, Indiana : Current expenses, $4,400 ; sub- sistence, $1,300 ; household, $2,000 ; hospital, $25,000 ; repairs, $1,000 ; farm, $1,000 ; in all, $34,700 ; Danville,Ill . Danville Branch, Danville, Illinois : Current expenses, $4,500 ; subsistence, $4,000 ; household, $4,500 ; hospital, $15,000 ; repairs, $2,000 ; farm, $1,300 ; in all, $31,300 ; Johnson City, Tenn . Mountain Branch, Johnson City, Tennessee : Current expenses, $7,300 ; subsistence, $2,000 ; household, $3,000 ; hos pit al, $25,000 ; repairs, $2,800 ; farm, $1,300 ; in all, $41,400 ; Hot Springs, S . Dak . Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Hot Springs, South Dakota : Current expenses, $5,000 ; subsistence, $1,300 ; household, $1, 100 ; hospi tal, $20,000 ; repairs, $600 ; farm, $600 ; in all, $28,600 ; Clothing.

" National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Clothing, 1929," $2,900 ;