SEVENTI ETH C ONG RES S . SESS . II. CH . 707. 1929 .
1667 Disposition of remains buried in Russia and Alaska : For all American soldiers buried in Russia and expenses incident to the recovering and returning to the United Alaska . Recovery and return- States of the bodies of American soldiers buried in Russia, and in g remains to the transporting them to their homes or to national cemeteries, including united states . mileage to officers, traveling expenses and pay of civilian employees, and for all expenses incident to disinterment, preparation for ship- ment, a nd transporta tion to nation al cemeteries or their hom es of remains buried in ab andoned post c emeteries in Alaska, $8 2,235, to remain available until expended . CO RPS OF ENGINEERS
Engineer Depart- ment . Interoceanie Canals : For every expenditure requisite for and inci- Interoceanic Canals. dent to the investigation and survey to determine the practicability ama s urv Ca nal, etc ., et Pan- ., to and c ost of enlarg ing the Panama Canal to the extent which may be meet . future needs of necessary to meet the future needs of shipping, and the practicability, Ante, p. 1539. necessi ty, and cost of an interoce anic ship can al over Nicar aguan te rri tor y, $1 50 ,00 0, to remain availa ble until exp ended . Bayboro Harbor, Saint Petersburg, Florida : Th e amo unt o f sa tyboro H a, or, Fla appro ximately $170 00 which was h eretofore all ocated by the Secre- Improve ment of, tary of War and the' Chief of Engineers for the purpose of the comple- modified . tion of a jetty along the south side of Bayboro Harbor, Saint Peters- burg, Florida, be and the same is hereby transferred and made available, and shall be used for the purpose of dredging a channel sixteen feet deep and approximately two hundred feet wide described as follow s " Extending on the easterly side of Point Pinellas lighted beacon New channel, etc. in a direction approximately three hundred and twenty-eight degrees true, the westerly boundary of the channel to be dredged as close to the said beacon as practicable ." NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS
National Home for Disabled Volunteers. General support
- For suppor t of the Nati onal Home for Disabled
Support, etc. Volunteer Soldiers for current expenses, subsistence, household, hos- pital , repairs, an d farm, includ ing the same objects respe ctively specified under each of such heads for the Central Branch in the Act making appropriations for the War Department, for the fiscal year 192 9, namely Central Branch, Dayton Ohio
- Current expenses, $4,000 ; subsist-
Dayton, Ohio. ence, $125 .000 ; household, 7,500 ; hospital, $7,000 ; in all, $143,500 ; Northwestern Branch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin : Current expenses, Milwaukee, Wis. $500 ; subsistence, $38,000 ; hospital, $30,000 ; in all, $68,500 ; Eastern Branch, Togus, Maine
- Current expenses, $500 ; subsist-
Togus, Me. ence, $32,000 ; in all, $32,500 ; Southern Branch, Hampton, Virginia : Current expenses, $1,000 ; Hampton, Va . subsistence, $35,000 ; in all, $36,000 ; Wes tern B ranch, Leave nwort h, Kan sas : S ubsist ence, $ 70,000 ; ho s- Leavenworth, Bans. pital, $2,000 ; repairs, $15,000 ; in all, $87,000 ; Pacific Branch, Santa Monica, California : Current expenses, Santa Monica, Calif . $1,000 ; subsistence, $75,000 ; household, $8,000 ; hospital, $25,000 ; repairs, $10,000 ; in all, $119,000 ; Marion Branch, Marion, Indiana : Subsistence, $20,000 ; hospital, Marion, Ind . $6,000 ; in all, $26,000 ; Danville Branch, Danville, Illinois : Current expenses, $600 ; sub- Danville, Ill . sistence, $40,000 ; household, $3,000 ; hospital, $8,000 ; in all, $51,600 ; Mountain Branch, Johnson City, Tennessee : Current expenses, Johnson City, Tenn . $9,000 ; subsistence, $100,000 ; household, $6,000 ; in all, $115,000 ; Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Hot Springs, South Dakota : Sub- sistence,
S. $2,000 ; household, $7,500 ; hospital, $3,000 ; in all, $12,500 ;