SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II . Ca. 707. 1929. Judgments under pri- vate Acts. Right of appeal . Interest . Judgments, Court of Claims . Payment of. For payment of the judgments rendered by the Court of Claims and reported to the Seventieth Congress in Senate Document Num- bered 231 and House Document Numbered 581, under the following Classification.
departments and establishments, namely : United States Veterans' Bureau, $15,219 .90 ; Department of Agriculture, $11,520 .55 ; Navy Interest . Department, $3,141,690 .53 ; War Department, $529,180 .77 ; in all, $3,697,611 .75, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest on certain of the judgments at the legal rate per annum None anal until ex- as and where specified in said judgments . pir atio n of time for None of the judgments contained under this caption which have writ of certiorari .
not been affirmed by the Supreme Court or otherwise become final and conclusive against the United States shall be paid until the vol . 43, p. 9399
expiration of the time within which application may be made for a U.S. Code, p.900. writ of certiorari under subdivision (b), section 3, of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Judicial Code, and to further define the juris- diction of the circuit courts of appeals and of the Supreme Court, and for other purposes," approved February 13, 1925 (U . S . C ., p. 900, sec. 288). Audited claims. by Oral Acco certified unting SEC. 2 . That for the payment of the following claims ; certified to Office .
be due by the General Accounting Office under appropriations the balances of which have been carried to the surplus fund under the vol. 18, p. 110 .
provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874 (U. S. C., p. 1022, U.S. Code, p.1022. sec. 713), and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year 1926 and prior years, unless Vol. 23, p .zs4.
otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under U.S. Code, p.43. section 2 of the Act of July 7, 1884 (U. S. C., p. 43, sec. 266), as fully set forth in House Documents Numbered 580 and 582, Seven- tieth Congress, there is appropriated as follows Independent offices . Department of Agri- culture. For payment of judgments, including costs of suits, rendered against the Government by the United States district courts under the provisions of certain special Acts and certified to the Seventieth Congress in Senat e Document Numbered 233 and House Docume nt Numbered 586, under the following departments, namely : Navy Department, $710,021 .26 ; Treasury Department, $3,805 .51 ; War Department, $42 .931 .83 ; in all, $756,758 .60 . None of the judgments contained under this caption shall be paid until the right of appeal shall have expired except such as have become final and conclusive against the United States by failure of the parties to appeal or otherwise . Payment of interest wherever provided for judgments contained in this Act shall not in any case continue for more than thirty days after the date of approval of the Act . JUDGMENTS, COURT OF CLAIMS AUDIT ED CL AIMS INDEPENDENT OFFICES For Interstate Commerce Commission, $7 .50. For increase of compensation, Veterans' Bureau, $413 .33 . For med ical a nd hos pital servic es, Ve terans' Burea u, $29 8 .6 8 . For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Bureau, $17.28 . For voc ationa l reha bilita tion, Vetera ns' Bur eau, $ 1,430 .11 . DEPARTMENT OF AGRI(,ULTURE For purchase and distribution of valuable seeds, $71 .65. For general expenses, Bureau of Entomology, $1 .26.