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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1722

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SEVENTI ETH C ONGRESS. SEss . II. CH. 707. 1929 .

1671 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE For increase of compensation, Department of Commerce, $39.65 . m DCeartment of oem- For contingent expenses, Department of Commerce, $111 .83 . For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, $22 .65 . For pay and allo wanc es, comm issi oned off icer s, C oast and Geo deti c Survey, $49 .33 . For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, 75 cents. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR For Howard University, $6 . For Army pensions, $7 .42 . For payment to Clallam Indians, Washington, $722.33 . For suppressing liquor traffic among Indians, $85 . For purchase of seed, agricultural implements, and so forth, for Ind ians of Blac kfee t Re serv atio n, $50 . For administration of affairs of Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, $169 .10 . DEPAR TMENT OF JUSTICE For detection andi prosecution of crimes, $7.16 . For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $371 .14 . For pay of special assistant attorneys, United States courts, $434 .36 . For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $476 .95 . For fees of jurors, United States courts, $38 . For fees of witnesses, United States courts, $16.90 . DEPARTMENT OF LABOR For expenses of regulating immigration, $7,015.30 .

Lborpartmentof NAVY DEPARTMENT For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $357 .75 . For engineerin g, Bureau of Engineering, $70 . For pay of the Navy, $883 .18. For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $174 .10 . For avia tion , Na vy, $61, 301 .60 . For pay, Marine Corps, $80 .65 . DEPARTMENT OF STATE For contingent expenses, foreign missions, $677.91. TREASURY DEP ARTMENT Interior Department . Department of Jus- tice . Navy Department . Department of State . For contingent expenses, Treasury Department, miscellaneous met asnry Depart- items, $19 .60 . For refunding internal revenue collections, $299 .47 . For enforcement of narcotic and national prohibition acts, internal reve nue, $3 44 .75 . For Coast Guard, $2,851 .39 . For pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, $290.54 . For Quarantine S ervice, $7 ,5 00 . For contingent expenses, Treasury Department, stationery, $1 .50 . For repairs to Coast Guard vessels, $283 .43 .