SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cu. 707. 1929 .
1675 TITLE II .-SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS UNDER Supplemental appro- THE ACT OF MAY 28, 1928, AMENDING THE CLASSIFI- pr'ations for 1929 . CATION ACT OF 1923 Amoun ts added to SEC . 1 . Supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending regular appropriations June 30, 1929, on account of the enactment of the Act of May 28, ttocmeo amendedclassi- 1928 (45 Stat . pp . 776-785), amending the Classification Act of Ante, p. 776. 1923 (U. S. C. pp. 65-71, sees. 661-673), to be added to and become Vol.42,p.1488. a p art of the a ppropr iation s avai lable during such f iscal year u nder U.S. Code, p.65. the following appropriation titles, namely : LEG ISLAT IVE ES TABLI SHMEN T LIBRARY OF CONGRESS " Salaries, Library of Congress, 1929 " : For salaries, $56,400 ; Copyright Office, $15,500 ; legislative reference service, $4,180 ; dis- tribution of card indexes, $10,340 ; in all, $86,420 . For " Index to State legislation, Library of Congress, 1929," $2,500 . For "Care and maintenance, Library of Congress, 1929," salaries, Libr ary bu ilding , $18, 285 . Total, Library of Congress, $107,205 . Library of Congress . Bot anic Ga rden . Print- BO TAN IC GAR DEN For " Salaries, Botanic Garden, 1929," $10,023 . GOV ERNMENT P RINTING OFFICE Go ver nme nt For "Salaries, Office of Superintendent of Documents, 1929," ing Office . $26,000 . Total, Legislative Establishment, $143,228 . EX ECUT IVE OFFIC E AND IN DEPE NDEN T ESTABLISHMENTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE For " Salaries, Executiv e Office, 1929," $ 5,286 .
Executive Office . For " Maintenance, Executive Mansion and Grounds, 1929," $7,530 . Total, Executive Office, $12,816 . BOARD OF TAX APPEALS For " Sa laries and e xpense s, Boa rd of Tax Ap peals, 1929," $27,0 00 . pealsd of Tax Ap ° BUREAU OF EFFICIENCY For " Salarie s and expens es, Bu reau o f Effi ciency, 1929, " $17, 780 . Efficiency Bureau. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION " Salaries, Civil Service Commission, 1929 " : For salaries, $47,200 ; misson. service Com- salaries of field force, $20,680 ; in a ll , $6 7, 8 80 . For "Salaries and expenses, Civil Service Commission, 1929," examination of presidential postmasters, $1,208 . Total, Civil Servi ce Com missio n, $69 ,088 . CO MMISSION OF FINE ARTS For " Expenses, Commission of Fine Arts, 1929," $280 .
Fine Arts Comm is- sion . sion . FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION For " Salaries and expenses, Federal Board for Vocational Educa- vocational Educa- tion, 1929," $ 13,600 .
tion Board . 54835•-29-pr 1-109