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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1725

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CI-I. 707 . 1929. Treasury Dep ar t- ment. War Department. Vol . 44, p. 1054. Ante, p. 704 . TREASURY DEPARTMENT Fo r coll ecting the r evenue from custom s, $75 . For payment of judgments against collectors of customs, $22,977 .18 . For refunding internal revenue collections, $25 . For enforcement of Narcotic and National Prohibition Acts, in- ternal revenue, $98 .41 . For Coast Guard, $164 . WAR DEPARTMENT For contingencies, Military Intelligence Division, General Staff Corps, $12 .89 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army (Longevity Act, January 29, 1927), $6,434 .32 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $6,240 .70 . For pay of the Army, $398.12 . For pay, and so forth , of t he Arm y (est ates of decea sed so ldiers ), $25,246 .21 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, war with Spain, $2 .40 . For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $15,631 .59 . For Army transportation, $1,045 .67. For clothing and equipage, $113 .75 . Fo r gen eral appr opria tions , Qu arter maste r Co rps, $335 .42 . For incidental expenses of the Army, $29 .56 . For subsistence of the Army, $6 .80. For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $37 .08 . For Signal Service of the Army, $4,960 . For Air Serv ice, Army, $3, 463 .5 9 . For field artillery, armament, 49 cents . For armame nt of fortif icatio ns, $6 ,381 .25 . For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard (Act May 22, 1928), $56 .25. For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard, $268 .61 . For Reserve Officers' Training Corps, $90 .60 . For arms, uniforms, equipment, and so forth, for field service, National Guard, $508 .49. For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Northwestern Branch, $9 .33 . POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT-POSTAL SERVICE (OUT OF T 1-F, POST AL RE VENUE S) Post Office Depart- ment .

For indemnities, domestic mail, $263 .47 . For indemnities, international mail, $127 .76 . For railroad transportation, $122.87. Additional to meet Total, audited claims section 3 Title I $115,896 .71 together with increases in rates of ex-





9 chang e .

such additional sum due to increases in rates of exchange as may be ne cessar y to p ay cla ims in the f oreign curren cy as specif ied in cer- tain of the settlements of the General Accounting Office . pines . Rentals in the Philip- SEC. 4. For the payment of claims allowed by the General Account- Vol . 44,1) .1829.

in- Office under the provisions of Private Act Numbered 476, approved March 3, 1927 (44 Stat ., pt . 3, p . 1828), and certified to the Seventieth Congress in House Document Numbered 578, $433 .92 . John F. and Mary L. SEC. 5 . For payment to John F . and Mary L . White, as certified White . p. 1711. to Congress by the Secretary of the Interior on December 29, 1928, under the Act of March 3, 1928 (Private Act Numbered 38, Seven- tie th Con gress) , $5,0 00 .