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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1728

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS, II. CH. 707. 1.929 . DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OFFICE OF THE SECR ETARY For " Salaries, Office of Secretary of Agriculture, 1929," $67,399 . For " Compensation, mechanical shops and power plant, Depart- men t of A gricul ture, 1929," $22,9 80 . Ofl=lice of information : For " Sal aries and expenses , office of infor- mation, 1929," $21,229 . Library : For " Salaries and expenses, library, Department of Agriculture, 1929," $5,380 . Office of experiment stations : For " Salaries and expenses, office of experiment stations, 1929," $18,004 . Ext ensio n Se rvice : For " Salaries and expenses, Extension Serv- ice, 1929," $28,295 . Total, Secretary's office, $163,287 . WEATHER BUREAU For " Salaries and expenses, Weather Bureau, 1929," $156,125 .

Weather Bureau . BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY For " Sal aries and expe nses, Bur eau o f Ani mal Indus try, 1929, " reau .~ Industry Bu- $2 05,346 . For "Meat inspection, Bureau of Animal Industry,1929," $336,783 . Total, Bureau of Animal Industry, $542,129 . BUREAU OF DAIRY INDUSTRY For " Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Dairy Industry, 1929," Dairy Industry Bu- $20,300.

re au. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY For "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Plant Industry, 1929," reaulant Industry Bu- $157,421 . FOREST SERVICE For " Salaries and expenses, Forest Service, 1929," $377,521 . For " Forest- fire coop eration, 1929," $9 ,802 . For " Cooperative distribution of forest planting stock, 1929," $480 . Total, Forest Service, $387,803 . BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY AND SOILS F orest Serv ice . 1677 Department of Agri. culture . Secretary's Office. For " Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, B Chheemistry and Soils 19 29," $75, 261 . B UREAU OF E NTOMO LOGY For " Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Entomology, 1929," $80,788 . BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY For " Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Biological Survey, 1920," Bureaug7eal $29 .710 . For " Upper Mississippi River Wild Life Refuge, 1929," $1,188 . Total, Bureau of Biological Survey, $30,898 . Entomology Bureau . Survey