SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 707. 1929. BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS Public Roads Bu. reau . Agricultural nomics Bureau . Department of Com- merce. Secretary's Office . Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce Bu- reau . For "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Public Roads, 1929," $23,828 . BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECON OMI CS Ec o- For "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1929," $208,719 . For " Enforcement of United States Cotto n Futures Act and United Sfates Cotton Standards Act, 1929," $12,920 . For " Enforcement of United States Grain Standards Act, 1929," $44,180 . For "Administration of United States Warehouse Act, 1929," $10,050. For "Enforcement of Standard Containe r and Produce Agency Acts, 1929, " $1,7 30 . Total, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, $277,599 . BU REAU OF HOME ECONOMICS Home Economics For "Salaries and expen ses, Bureau of Home Economics, 1929," Bureau .
$10,756 . PLANT QUARANTINE AND CO NT ROL ADMINISTRATION P l ant Quarantine For "Salaries and expenses, Plant Quarantine and Control and Control Admin- istration.
Admin istrat ion, 1 929," $60,76 0 . FOOD, DRUG, AND INSE(,IICIDE ADMINISTRATION Food, Drug, and For " Salaries and expenses, Food, Drug, and Insecticide Admin . Insect icide A dminis- tration .
istration, 1929," $79,863 . Total, Depart ment o f Agri cultur e, $2, 066,818 . DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY For " Salaries, Office of the Secretary of Commerce, 1929," $22,600. Aeronautics branch : For "Aircraft in Commerce, 1929," $26,350 . Air nav igatio n faci lities : Fo r "Air navig ation facili ties, 1929," $29,700 . Radio division : For " Enforcement of wireless communication laws, 1929," $16,160 . Total, Office of the Secretary, $94,810 . BUREAU OF F ORE IGN AND DO MES TIC COM MER CE For " Salaries, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1929," $18 .630 . For "Promoting commerce in Europe and other areas, 1929," $6,012. For " Promoting commerce in Latin America, 1929," $8,800 . For " Promoting commerce in Africa, 1929," $1,020 . For " Promoting commerce in the Far East, 1929," $7,180 . For " District and cooperative office service, Department of Com- merce, 1929," $29,780 . For " Enforcement of the China Trade Act, 1929," $600 . For " Export industries, Department of Commerce, 1929," $46,200 .