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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1731

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1680 Lighthouses Bureau . Fisheries Bureau . Patent Office . Mines Bureau . SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 707. 1929. For "High-temperature investigations, Bureau of Standards, 1929," $661. For " Sound investigation, Bureau of Standards, 1929," $889 . For " Industrial research, Bureau of Standards, 1929," $13,627 . Fo r " Testin g rail road s cales, and s o fort h, Bure au of Standa rds, 1929," $2,085 . For " Standardization of equipment, Bureau of Standards, 1929," $12,123. For " Standard materials, Bureau of Standards, 1929," $824 . For " Investigation of radioactive substances and X rays, Bureau of Standards, 1929," $2,201 . Fo r " Utilization of waste products from the land, Bureau of Standards, 1929," $3,148 . For "Inv esttg ation of autom otive engi nes, Bure au of Sta ndard s, 192 9," $1,83 3 . For " Investigation of dental materials, Bureau of Standards, 1929," $421. Total, Bureau of Standards, $153,320 . BUREAU OF LIGHTHOUSES For " Salaries, Bureau of Lighthouses, 1929," $8,820 . For " General expenses, Lighthouse Service, 1929," $23,500 . For " Salaries, keepers of lighth ouses, 19 29," $124 ,750 . For " Salaries, lighthouse vessels, 1929," $63,660 . For " Salaries, Lighthouse Service, 1929," $41,040 . Total, Bureau of Lighthouses, $261,770 . COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Survey . and Geodetic cc Party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1929 " : For mag- netic work, $1,082 ; Federal, boundary, and State surveys, $450 ; obje cts no t othe rwise named, $200 ; in a ll, $1, 732 . For " Sa laries , Coas t and Geodet ic Sur vey, 1 929," $ 38,860 . Total, Coast and G eodeti c Surv ey, $4 0,592 . BUREAU OF FISHERIES " Sala ries, Bureau of Fi sherie s, 192 9 " : For commissioner's office, $14,200 ; field employees-Alaska service, $3,800 ; employees at large, $3,280 ; distribution (car) employees, $3,060 ; fish-cultural stations, $24,960 ; fish-rescue stations, $1,640 ; biological stations, $3,440 ; ves- sels, Atlantic coast, $1,280 ; vessels, Alaska service, $700 ; in all, $56,360. PATENT OFFICE For " Salaries, Patent O ffice, 19 29," $265 ,500 . BUREAU OF MINES For " General expenses, Bureau of Mines, 1929," $5,810. For " Investigation mines accidents, 1929," $22,680 . For " Mining investigations in Alaska, 1929," $300 . For " Operating mine rescue cars and stations, Bureau of Mines, 1929," $11,160 . For "Testing fuel, Bureau of Mines, 1929," $10,910 . For " Mineral-mining investigations, Bureau of Mines, 1929," $6,470. For " Oil, gas, and oil-shale investigations, Bureau of Mines, 1929," $10,220 . For " Oil-shale investigations, Bureau of Mines, 1929," $2,340 .