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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1732

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1681 For "Expenses, mining experiment stations, Bureau of Mines, 1929," $11,250 . For " Care, and so forth, of buildings and grounds, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1929," $5,980 . For " Helium investigations, Bureau of Mines, 1929," $3,400 . For " Econo mics of mi nera l ind ustri es, Burea u of Mines , 19 29," $16,018. Total, Bureau of Mi nes, $ 106,53 8 . Total, Department of Commerce, $1,304,876. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFF ICE OF THE SECRETARY " Salari es, offic e of Secr etary of the Inter ior, 1929 " : Office of the Secretary, $28,380 ; office of solicitor, $10,960 ; in all, $39,340 . GENERAL LAND OFFICE For " Salaries, General Land Office, 1929," $44,000 . For " Surveying the public lands, 1929," $25,000 . For "Contingent expenses of land offices, 1929," $8,000 . For " Protecting public lands, timber, and so forth, 1929," $14,000 . Total, General Land Office, $91,000 . BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Interior Department . Secretary's Office . General L and Office . For " Salaries, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1929," $24,000 .

reau `aan Affa irs Bu- For "Purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, 1929," $6,550 . For " Pay of judges, Indian courts, 1929," $3,000 . For " Pay of Indian police, 1929," $16,000 . For " Suppressing liquor traffic among Indians, 1929," $980 . For " Determining heirs of deceased Indian allottees, 1929," $1,000. For " Probate attorneys, Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, 1929," $1,500 . For " Expenses of Indian commissioners, 1929," $900 . For " Counsel for Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, 1929," $200 . For payment of salaries of employees and other expenses of advertising and sale in connection with the further sales of unallotted lands and other tribal property belonging to any of the Five Civilized Tribes, including the same objects specified under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1929, $500, to be paid from the proceeds of sales of such tribal lands and pro perty . For " Industrial work and care of timber, 1929," $23,000 . For " Expenses, sale of timber (reimbursable), 1929," $7,000 . For " Irrigation, Indian reservations (reimbursable), 1929," $7,000 . For " Indian schools, support, 1929," $141,000 . For "Indian boarding schools, 1929 " : Fort Mojave, Arizona, $4,240 ; Phoenix, Arizona, $11,850 ; Truxton Canyon, Arizona, $2,740 ; Theodore Roosevelt, Arizona, $5,820 ; Sherman Institute, California, $12,440 ; Fort Bidwell, California, $2,150 ; Haskell Ins titut e, K ansas , $11 ,760 ; Mo unt Pleasant, Michig an, $6,480 ; Pipestone, Minnesota, $4,180 ; Genoa, Nebraska, $6,760 ; Carson City, Nevada, $6,280 ; Albuquerque, New Mexico, $9,930 ; Santa Fe, New Mexico, $6,590 ; Charles H . Burke, New Mexico, $7,090 ; Cherokee, North Carolina, $5,480 ; Bismarck, North Dakota, $2,300 ; Fort Totten, North Dakota, $4,910 ; Wahpeton, North Dakota, $4,230 ; Chilocco, Oklahoma, $10,720 ; Sequoyah Orphan Training School,